How to remove steering wheel??? Help Please

Im trying to remove my s14 steering wheel but i can to a problem it seems like i need some kind of special tool… pleasee help

steering hub puller, rent it at partsource.

I believe the S14 uses a Torx security #45 to remove the airbags, not certain.

I removed the rear seat, then the airbag computer sheild, then used a pair of vice grips to remove one of the torx security bolts, then took the bolt to NAPA and bought the socket $13 IIRC.

but yeah, after the airbag is out (remove the airbag fuse, disconnect the battery etc before f’in with it) you may require a steering wheel puller in addition to the 19mm socket.

I personnally removed the fuse and disconnected the airbag computer in my S14 before messing with it.

You need a torx male bit for ratchet, unplug the Air bag fuse, and you will need a $15 Canadian Tire puller. There are one of these torx screws on either side of the wheel and then you can get the air bag center off to expose the center bolt a 21mm or 22mm, undo it then apply the puller. If you intend on putting an aftermarket steering wheel, do not get pulled over. You will get sighted for inspection.


I just kicked a steering wheel on an s13 no need to spend money on a puller unless you are reusing your steering wheel… doesnt damage it but lease a nice footprint on it though.

or you can tug on it a couple times like a retard and it will eventually come out :stuck_out_tongue: