how to ship wheels

i think this is pretty informative lil tid bit of info for people shipping wheels i know it helped me do it properly


Someone posted this before. I just shipped a set of wheels that same way to Australia and they got there safe, cost the buyer $600 just for shipping tho

Yeah I’ve shipped over 10 sets of wheels using the first method. It’s why I personally prefer to ship with tires because it’s the easiest/safest.

If you wrap the wheel/tire combos in pairs instead of singles though it can be a bit cheaper to ship. Do it the same way as shown and then shrink wrap them together in pairs

Who’s the cheapest? I always found UPS to beat Fedex rate on wheels.

Depends on who you know and the weight, UPS and Fedex rates don’t change for what your shipping, you pay whichever is higher, the actual weight or dimensional weight. At my last job I used to ship personal stuff through UPS because I only had to pay the company rate which was like 60% off standard pricing for any person going to a UPS store. If your total weight gets over 100lbs then looking into freight companies can become cheaper then small package companies like UPS and Fedex (there freight service prices are ridiculous).

well clearly if you ship through a business it’s cheaper.

thats just fucking common sense guys. Hence probably why it had to be a writeup over on

usps is always cheapest for shipping