How to steal the soul of an FD - SOLD

Sounds good, Adam. I have that keyboard for you too. I’ll try to find a spare USB extender here, since the USB cable is so short on it.

Thanks Xander. I already ditched the airbag stuff, left the harnesses for now though. When I go through to clean up wiring, I may take those out as well.

Those tabs for the airbox etc were left on and the engine went in no problem. I’m going to leave them as long as I can, but as of now they haven’t interfered with anything.

Nice to hear that things are progressing, Brent. Seems like yesterday that I saw the engine go in… lol

The car is in my garage now. I am keeping brent motivated, and were working on it every night after work. Last night we found that we have to cut the firewall a little bit to get the intake to fit, but that should not be a problem. Things are starting to make a lot more sense too. The fuel system is almost finished up, the motor is secured, we just haven’t put the tranny mount on until we get the reverse lockout solenoid installed.

Much more progress then in the past few weeks :slight_smile:



Nice to hear that things are progressing, Brent. Seems like yesterday that I saw the engine go in… lol


It was just like surgery. Only your arms turned black instead of red. :smiley:

And, yeah, thanks to everyone who has helped me out so far. I’ve gotten more done on the car in the last week or two than I did all through April. :tup:

cant wait to see this thing running :tup:

Got the clutch bled and the interior of the hatch totally together, including the (super rare) non-Bose rear carpet that I found. :snky:

Might do a bit of wiring tonight and maybe start moving apartments. Everything comes at once…fun fun!

My arm is much less torn up then last time, from bleeding that clutch. The rag covering up the razor sharp edge on the back of the block helped :tup:

Here’s a couple crappy shots for ya, Brent:

Julius saves the day, with his .6 megapixel camera :smiley:

Awesome! Thanks Julius!

Early next week I should have a camera of my own, so I’ll be posting photo updates again.

i could bring my camara, if I wasnt working till 10-12 last 2 weeks:mad:

Saturday. We’ll do headers, I want to recheck the fuel system, cut off the part so I can mount my intake…

Let’s f’in do it up!

brent, lets mark up all that we have to cut, and then do it all at once. Maybe we can use Gary’s apartment as a source of electricity, so we don’t have to use a power inverter :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice project ya got goin

Mark its at your place now? I gotta stop by and check it out!

Yep, it is.

Lets see for updates…

Headers are on and torqued down, I got the indicator harness that I needed…spent some time on getting the rear wheel fitment right, need to finish that up tonight maybe.

Mostly spent the weekend moving apartments though.

With luck, I’ll have my gmpartsdirect order in this week and be able to button up the drivetrain this week.

Accessories are on the engine thanks to Mark. Rear wheels are good now.

Next up:
Finish up the reverse lockout stuff (waiting on parts)
That will allow me to get the driveshaft in and transmission pulled up the last couple inches, along with give me the final location of the drivetrain so I can cut a bit of a lip to make the intake fit in.
Bolt on the front radiator support piece and bumper core
Install cooling system

And then…fire the bitch up. Soon…soon…

Brent, my credit card still hasn’t been charged for the gmdirect parts :frowning:

Should have asked me to bring a camera over the other day…

Today I’ll get my new D200 so I can take some updated shots of the car. I need to do wiring, the cooling system, put the interior back together, put body panels on and button up a few other small things. My goal is to have the car running this weekend and reliable/driveable for my trip to the USGP (formula 1) June 15-17.

Planning to have the cooling system in tonight along with belts on and PS lines hooked up.