so i was trying to take out the back bumper earlyer and had no luck.
i was wondering if i was doing it right
i took out the four nuts that was holding the bumper from the inside where the two side’s were and took out all the ones at the bottom of the car.
is there anything else that i missd or are they realy hard to pull out??
Did you get the 4 under your trunk carpet?
is that the one inside at the two ends??? if so no
^also hidden by rubber gromet IIRC
can some one take pictures of which ones i have to take out plz and ty 
Lift up trunk carpet
Play I-spy for two round rubber grommets on each side of car.
Find bolts!
There also a few along the lip of the bumper/rear 1/4 on each side.
ooh so im guesing i missd da two round rubber gromment 
haha thnx gona chek that tomorow its l8 now