bumper removal

ayte guy i want to know off hand how to remove this without breaking something lol! am the rear bumper and the front,
pls and thank u

if bolts count when you say breaking something, then its nearly impossible not too. otherwise there isnt really anything you can break.

you’re guaranteed to break some bolts due to rust, but other than that it isn’t that bad to do, just keep taking bolts off until it comes off, there are a lot of bolts.

the set of bolts on the side where it connects to the fender will break…other than that. u got bolts that hold onto the bottom of the rebar. some clips at the very bottom of the bumper, that stupid arm thing at the corners (just break em),…take the fender liner off…and i think thats it…bam

i got the front one off thanks flyingchicken lolz!!
the rear is the one i have no clue how to remove it anyone knows?

u have to take the whole taillight peices off, havent really tried that shit before. but once u take all the lights off. you can see the bolts. i nkow for sure, its right under the “under garnish”. dunno about the sides though…play around…then bam