Front Bumper Removal

Hey guys,

I need to take off my front bumper on my 92 as there is a huge gap on the right side i need to bend back into place. Just wondering if there was step by step anyone had on how to remove the bumper. Let me know guys, thanks.

can anyone tell me the exact locations of each bolt/screw?


just look, im going by total memory here so bare with me, theres 4 on the top core support, 4 plastic srew things on the bottom of the air damn, then there’s some along the fender line, and a few others bolting the bumper to the rest of the body. if your bumpers anythingthing like mine, almost every bolt will sanp so be prepared to buy new ones

yeah what Trevor said, just do it and youll see as you go along, I have mine off right this second, its really nothing as you get started.

4 on top
4 maybe more on bottom of air damn
4 each side holding the fender, you get to these from the fender side

simple… YES they will all break the rumour is true

Are the ones going to the fender actually needed?

You dont NEED any of them, but their all there for a reason, without the ones connecting to the fender i imagine the bumper will not stay flush to the fender as it wont stay in place properly.

Again like sidewayz says… Im only using about half the bolts, 2 per side, 4 on top, maybe 2 on bottom MAYBE

I left my bottom plastic ones out so when my dad drives and touches the curb, my bumper will curl into the car without damaging the paint
