how too get bolt out of close area


Do you want me to come over and hold you hand?

no his dick

To quote Arnold…

“Stop Whining!”

sorry no it is not out. i might try that old dremmel in two hash marks and try a phillips head screw driver…

and i will always take a holding of a hand when possible. i just parked it in the garage ill prob fuck with it on sunday. ill post up a pic when i get back from dinner tonight.

thanks for the ideas people.

There shouldn’t be any tension on the bolt since the head is gone, so it should turn pretty easily, unless the threads are corroded. Might as well PB Blaster it.

Let me know if you need a small arm to reach in there!


thanks to mikes idea of cutting a line into the bolt with an angle grinder. a guy at my work lent me his and i had it out within 20 minutes (including dragging the compressor from the shed in the back yard) and went and got some new bolts… figured out why it broke also. seems like the person that installed it last only put 2 of the 3 bolts into the head for the bracket. and one sheared off a while ago (rusted) and was only held on by the one bolt until last week i guess.

i got them in and tight and fired it up and no more squeeking belt and i am good to go. i appriciate all the help from everyone and finally had a REAL use for the website. thanks guys


dam a guy who doesnt know much about cars figured out the fix… i guess breaking shit enough and calling briann sam everytime paid off !

glad it worked out mac ! btw i want 2 beers so i can be drunk