How would one go order a GTR?

so i just showed my father the Videos of the new GTR smoking the new M3, the new GT3 and the new TT997.

he loves it, he wants to know if he can just go to a regular nissan dealership or how such a specialty car would be purchased if its not at dealerships/etc.

Put a deposit on it at any Nissan dealership.

False, only select Nissan dealership will be able to sell and repair GTRs

Edit: Only 691 dealers selling 700 cars. Prepare to bend over

no i think u have to order it from them. i dont think they will have them in stock. idk thou im sure the dealer can tell u how to get one. they are realy nice but expensive too

4 GTR certified dealerships within 50 miles. wooooot.

gonna go see about reserving/ordering tomorrow.

anyone know of anyone else in the area that is going to have one?

PM Torqued SS.HE would probably be your best bet for a hook up on a nissan

west herr, has thiers sold

Basil has a nissan dealer?

Click HERE :slight_smile:

It’s important to note that Nissan will not allow salesmen to sell (make comission) the car - only the Sales Manager or Owner of the dealership. There is a complaint line to the regional offices to report dealerships that seriously gouge the price. (And they could have their GTR sales revoked.) There are several dealerships that have committed to selling the car at sticker, but they are out west and have much higher volume than here on the east coast.

Do your homework and Good Luck :tup:

we (basil) had a nissan store for about a year…but no longer have one…