Howard Stern is getting married!!!!

All those Sirius Subscribers are wrong, Howard sucks. :bloated:


nah their not wrong, just his fans are :smiley:

O&A :headbang:

man the stats have shown that sirius is spanking XM right about now…i wonder why?

Stern fucking rules, Artie Fucking rules END of story!

And dont compare O&A to Stern Because Bubba The Love Sponge>* O&A

There has been nothing more then this show that has made me laugh harder in the morning.

His suscribers for his own TV chanel are booming too.

Any stern fans are more then welcome to come watch it @ my house.

Only thing i will say about stern is that the more in love he is with beth over the past 7 years the more of a pussy he has became…

Current # of Subscribers
@ 7,500,000+ XM
@5,000,000+ SIRIUS

don’t listen to howard, he’s full of it (as usual :D)

:lol: :lol: :lol:

yeah, he has def softened up since being with beth, but also mellowed out which imo makes his interviews that much more deadly.

lol at people in this thread making it an o and a vs howard beef. i can appreciate both shows for their own stuff, but o&a would still be shredd and regan if it werent for howard busting skulls on his way to the top. howard is smart as all hell and wouldnt be where he is without that fact

I agree with ya… comparing the two is somewhat stupid and they really are two totally different shows, but it’s fun it mess with each other (all in good fun)

although I do disagree that they wouldn’t be where they are without Howard… thats like saying Howard wouldn’t be where he is without Imus

It’s all about rate of growth my friend.

He has been one sirrius almost 2 years now. No one else is coming. Yes, there was a spirt but that is over.

i personally think the subscriber #'s are bs to gauge performance OR growth. i read an article that said that the numbers are based on vehicles equipped with either provider, which XM has much more of. when i bought my truck, i could wait for the stupid xm to be shut off (6 months free). everytime i would give it a chance to impress me, all xm did was piss me right the fuck off. no organization, and yeah O and A but woopdey dooooo, they arent what they used to be imo, and that doesnt make up for terrible content on other stations.

because sirius sucks slightly less

god damn they play horrible shit i hate on BOTH, a;lskdjf;lksdjf

i want my $500 back for 5yrs or whatever. i could’ve just bought more cds or blow or something worthwhile