Smoking Ban

Actually, it’s not ridiculous. What will happen is that bars(and to an extent restaurants) that are close to the border in neighboring counties are going to start getting busier. So the business owners in Allegheny county just got screwed once again by their government. Now, to quiks point. If a non-smoking establishment was an in demnand, and profitable venture, then some entreupreneur would have opened one. Truth is, the market didn’t demand it, so the iropn fist of government did. What is really sad to me is that so many of you are applauding more Government interference in private business(owned by private citizens, like us). I am a non-smoker

So , thanks to the successes with all these anti smoking ordinances, here is what is next.
How long do you think it will be before some vocal enviromental or citizens groups comes after car enthusiasts and the automotive aftermarket?