Smoking Ban

holy fuck, banned in pool halls…:eek:

smoking is beat, its bad for your health, its bad for other people around you, this smoking ban is an excellent idea and in the least we as a city can say we’re healthier and cleaner. I was a smoker for a while, quit, started again, now quit again and all you smokers dont be acting like the gov. is personally offending you, thats a bunch of bullshit. Its good to show respect to non-smokers. Nobody likes to come home smelling like a stank ass ash tray.

well im not bumming you any more then

wow, ive never seen a non-smoker in a pool hall, not that this bothers me because i dont frequent pool halls too often

yay for the ban…

the argument that people are going to stop going to bars and resturaunts because they cant smoke is cock sucking rediculous. people dont go to the bar to smoke, they go to drink, and they go to socialize. i understand smoking stems from drinking sometimes, but i fucking hate not being able to brethe at bars. half the time, the smoke keeps me out of some bars around my house. like quik said, there are plenty of non smokers to cover the buisness of a bar with clean air that cause some smokers to stop going there.

he said “county”, not “country”


Actually, it’s not ridiculous. What will happen is that bars(and to an extent restaurants) that are close to the border in neighboring counties are going to start getting busier. So the business owners in Allegheny county just got screwed once again by their government. Now, to quiks point. If a non-smoking establishment was an in demnand, and profitable venture, then some entreupreneur would have opened one. Truth is, the market didn’t demand it, so the iropn fist of government did. What is really sad to me is that so many of you are applauding more Government interference in private business(owned by private citizens, like us). I am a non-smoker

So , thanks to the successes with all these anti smoking ordinances, here is what is next.
How long do you think it will be before some vocal enviromental or citizens groups comes after car enthusiasts and the automotive aftermarket?

im actually curious to see how much i mind not being able to smoke while im out drinking…ill probably end up going out less, but who knows i might just end up quitting because drinking > smoking

I think it’s just another step in the wrong direction in terms of governent control and freedom. Any business owner can mandate their location to be smoke free if they deemed it important.

Living in area’s where smoking is banned, I see no bar closing it’s doors or having a low customer count. It really does seem like they have not been affected by it at all.

I dont know a whole lot of people that are non-smokers that dont go to bars because of smokers, im sure there are a few, but I dont see it as being balanced at all. my company is probably 70/30 sokers to non smokers, and everyone here said they would quit going to the bars in the county. They said it will be banned from all future gambling facilities as well…thats ridiculous. And yes, at bars you can step outside to smoke, but how about clubs, where alot of the time you cant go outside and come back in…I know I am not going to go to a club for 3-4 hours and not be able to smoke.

Is the building surrounded by a cloud of smoke outside? Just curious. (not being a smartass for once)

i honestly don’t think it’ll fly this time around. the clean air bill/act of 1986 prohibits counties to have the legislation to pass a said bill. not only that but the county is looking at making casinos exempt from this bill. how can you give special privleges to one establishment, but not the other. if anything, a statewide bill will have to be put into effect for anyone to take this bill seriously.

smokers and non-smokers both are entitled to their opinion, but what it all boils down to is government control over private business owners, which is complete and utter bullshit. i might not support an establishment, but i support a business owner in their decsion to decide whether or not their building is smoking or non

The ban is absolutely retarded. Doesn’t anyone see that the government is becoming more and more controlling of our lives? Trust me, I hate smoking. I hate smelling like it and I think it is disgusting. That is why I avoid it wherever I can. I go to restaraunts that are non-smoking or refuse to sit near the smoking section. Here is my theory on it. If people don’t like going to bars and smelling like smoke, don’t go to the bars. Open or hope that someone opens a non-smoking bar. Until then, no one is forcing you into a smoke filled room but yourself.

we should bans blacks and the retarded, i mean seriously… :weak:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Some of them yes. You get to breath smoke free air in the bar, but go inside then out and you get hit with it. On a plus at least you don’t reek like a smoker when you go home :slight_smile: The smart bars have an outside section but not a lot of places have been smart enough to ban it near the entrance :frowning:

I personally smoke and don’t think it is right for the government to control where I can and cannot smoke. So have a better establishemnt of segregation when it comes to smoking but, that’s the most that can be done. Personally I see it no different than if there were a specific setion for blacks or muslims etc in a bar or restaurant.

You don’t like the smoke… deal with it or go somewhere else.

I would like to keep the government from infringing upon me like that jus to try to get more free money.

Its total bullshit.

If they are going to ban smokers, they may as well ban loud cars and bikes, diesel trucks that pour black smoke etc etc etc.

If we banned everything that some people just don’t like you would be able to step foot outside your own home without breaking a law. I don’t want that problem!

Being a particular ethnic origin doesn’t physically affect those around them.

I smoke. I like it. I lived in Los Angeles and got used to not smoking inside. In retrospect I grew up in Richmond, VA the capitol of tobacco. We went to the Phillip Morris plant as a 5th grader to learn how they made cigs…in this day and age ppl would be sueing the schools. So they ban smoking in allegheny county? The small business owners/bar owners are going to be the ones that lose. Am I going to frequent bars (for example Bob’s two houses down from me, the one place I can drink and not have to worry about driving home drunk from) that you can’t smoke in? Not unless they put a patio w/ tables outside where i can smoke and drink. The entire bar will be outside smoking and not drinking…Most likely, I’ll stay home and drink and smoke…cheaper anyhow…therefore taking away money from the small bar owners, and put money in the politicians pockets…werd up lets give the government more money just so they can regulate our lives even more :lame: