Smoking Ban

thought u were a lil bit more mature than that,get a life and as blackbelt said…grow up

i might be able to understand you if you took that black dick outta your mouth.

holy shit. :bowdown:

BREAKING NEWS: 2Toneishot enjoys more than just tones 2 at a time. More on his faggotry at 11:00

well said
Complete bullshit

I probably said this before somewhere in this ridiculously long thread, but I didnt feel like reading through to find out. Restaurants I can understand. I dont think its right for a nonsmoker to have to sit in a room where someone somewhere in that room is smoking. Just because there is a fucking planter in between you and someone else, doesnt constitute one side to be smoking and the other side non. Banning smoking in bars is ridiculous. Thats like banning beer from a steelers game. If a bar, club, or restaurant chain feels they want to be a smoke free facility, then by all means, ban it. But there is no reason that the whole county has to ban it. Just my .02

Jeff, way to wake the sleeping devil thread lol

X24858753985365036 bars is what im fuckin pissed about

I grew up in Richmond, VA where Phillip Morris and Reynolds are GOD ( marlboro and camel–tobacco country)…in 5th grade we went to the PM plant as a FIELD TRIP to see them make cigs (born in 69 you figure out the year)…ya think that is happening today? I bet not…I lived in Los Angeles after they banned smoking…I got used to it, but it’s not gonna make me quit…I’ll go out onto the street corner and smoke the silly fvcks.

I wouldnt put the word fuck, and street corner in the same sentance ever again… unless of course your trying to arouse PewterSS

We will see how restaurants and bars like the smoking ban after they lose a TON of business from people going out the county to go to bars and restaurants. Smokers make up a fairly large part of the population, businesses are going to lose big time, Im a smoker and I know I am not going to go hang out in a bar if I cant smoke there, I can drink and smoke at home for a hell of a lot cheaper, and my smoker friends will be right there with me.

Looks like i’ll be hanging out on the deck at matrix!

same here, I mean like mentioned above… resturants I agree and other misc businesses, but to ban smoking from a bar is just ridiculas. They are going to loose money big time, just look at how many people smoke at the bar.

What do say, hookah lounges do? Close up shop? Thats smoking tobbaco in an enclosed area.

Imagine what the south side is going to look like with a million people outside smoking on a skinny sidewalk, its going to be a riot, lol.

I hear Westmoreland county is next!!! This is PA… not NYC or LA, give me a break, they need to start fixing the roads around here and not worry about 2nd hand smoke.

The rest of us on this page so far will be right along with you!!!

I guess like jinxxy said, you get used to it. I just truly hope that it backfires.
If I owned a bar, Id be highly pissed if some assholes passed a law telling me I cant smoke in my own place of business. F that. In that case, they can start paying for all the expenses as well.

you ever think buisness will get more money since smoking will be banned. i hate going anywhere and coming home like cigerattes. one reason i dont go to many places. you want ot smoke you take your ass outside. its unfair to the ppl that have breathing problems to have to deal with it. you want to smoke fine but take it outside. you might think buisness will lose but on the other side of it more ppl will show up that never was there before.

personally im for it…ban all smoking IMHO…i cant breath to begin with and smoke just does me in so i would rathre breath non smoked filled air

As much as I hate to admit it, you are right also… its a very balanced argument.

fucking sweet…bout damn time…get over it you crybaby bitches

Its about time.:bigthumb:


trust me, they probably won’t lose business. DC is moving to smoke free in Jan and MD and CT are already there. Some bars people can still smoke at (usually dive bars that don’t care if they get fined). Plus everyone who likes the bar scene, but doesn’t like smoke, will venture out more. Other states have done this and haven’t had any issues.