howto uninstall/rollback directx?

my gf updated the directx on her computer, and now she get errors with her video capture/tuner card (overlay errors). all the shit i have found costs money, and im cheap. anyone have a solution to my problem?

download the old version from MS. I did this with Vista. Vista came with 10 and I installed 9.x. Worked fine.

no dice. i need to get rid of 9 and go back to 8.



Seems like just a security update, not the whole version

i love oldversion, I really don’t remember if installing an old version will let you just get rid of the new one… But i’m pretty confident when you try to install an older version it will just ask you to remove the previous version. Don’t quote me on that though.

nah, trying to install the older version doesnt ask to remove the old one.

im wondering if i can just do a repair/reinstall of xp.

after a quick search, I found.

Seems to be free and its rated rather highly, after uninstalling, you could use the directx installer from as i posted above.

If this program doesn’t work.

you could try

It says 12.95 shareware… so it may be free for a one time use… I really don’t know… its also rated rather highly.

And I am claiming no responsibility for any programs listed above, Since I do not have much experience rolling back directx or installing an older version… It has always just worked for me…

werd, thanks. i will try those out when i get get home

what about a system restore to a day or so before she did the update. that always seems to work.

Fucking Zer0Daze… I LOL’d at this one…


after a quick search, I found…



Fucking Zer0Daze… I LOL’d at this one…


ROFL! thats not what I intended lol, now i sound like much more of an asshole lol…