HP laptop question

How in the piss do you get the case off? With all screws out, including hidden screws, there is something internally (perhaps under the keyboard) that prevents the thing from coming apart.

Why am I taking it apart? It turns off when moved around sometimes. I’ve booted from CD, ran from AC and battery power, etc etc. I think it has to be the motherboard/something on the motherboard, but I can’t get the damn thing apart.

Any ideas?

eh… its a laptop man… its not going to be complicated or anything but check the screws on the bottom on most theres screw on the bottom of the laptop that hold the case on.

If it turns off when you move it around sounds like a Power supply problem. But I hate working on laptops… because if it is its not going to be something you can pick up at your local computer store.

I’ve pulled every screw out, and I’m 100% sure it’s something internally, and I deal with computers a good bit, so I’m not worried about checking and replacing parts. Just can’t get it apart!

hrrmm you sound like a real expert! Maybe work with lagos some more to get a better detail of tearing things apart.


Fuck off.

Any real help?



I (somehow) managed to totally forget about searching Google. :hsdance:

Thanks, man.

:slight_smile: welcome,i found alot of info on there but i didn’t know what model urs was

Got it apart :hsdance:

Now if I can find the problem…

curious as to y u couldn,t get it?

Top piece above keyboard (with the power on, a few keys, and the speaker grilles) needs pried off, and then you can get to the keyboard screws. Once the keyboard is out, you can get to the two screws holding the middle of the case together.

so you didnt use the lagos method?


It’s a ZE4315US, if anyone cares. Of course, the processor doesn’t have a ZIF socket :frowning:

Everything looks alright at first glance; I hate troubleshooting laptops (read : I can’t.)

Who knows what the hell is wrong with this thing. I really don’t think it’s a power delivery issue, and I don’t have spare parts laying around for trial-and-error.

Whatever it is, it’s frustrating, since I use this thing to tune the car and sometimes it’ll be fine all day, and others it’ll keep turning off.

Anyone want to buy this or trade for mini-ITX stuff? I’d much rather have a carputer :slight_smile:

lol… dude I told you bring it here Ill be nice enough to check it out for you.

Where exactly is “here?”

I’ll shoot you a PM.

after buryd sucks at life and doesn’t fix it i can offer some help. :slight_smile:

Good to know :slight_smile:

After I get out of class, I’m going to go over it a bit more, and report back here afterwards.

Well, nothing is obvious out of whack (I.E. nothing is burnt, loose, etc. Solder “looks” fine.)

Any idears? Just something to look for, or something?

you are the biggest faggot on this board… yes even more gay than schmeider. If you are viewing this post you ar eindeed very very very gay…