HSD Coilovers -- *DISCUSSION* -- www.hsdcoils.ca


December 20th, 2009.

Well. That would suck shit. LoL

But, I know I have said this before. But if not this week, then Mike, I need a complete refund. Coils are not feasible for me right now. Just did a compression test, well, yea. I also need a tranny. So, this week, or come Monday…pay da man.

HA! Turns out my Fathers compression tester was in need of some attention. Thanks fucking god! 156 straight across from 81. Someone had put the wrong shrader(sp?) valve in and the gauge was soaked in oil.

not to self - never lend tools out

They’re somewhere in Vaughan right now getting taken off the train.

They’re supposed to be delivered to our freight forwarder’s warehouse tomorrow and once they clear customs (I imagine that’ll take a day or two) they’ll be delivered to PUR.

I’ll keep you posted as I get more details.

Good stuff! :slight_smile:

Sorry to be a huge ball buster about this, since day one. lol

I check this thread every once in a while for absolutely no reason. “ZOMG DID THEY SHIP YET?”

I’m excited for you Chris. lol

Thanks man!!! :smiley:

Funny though. I’ll only be droppin my car another inch maybe inch and a half. More so looking forward to the ride.

Peter is a douche. Ever since I rode in his Silvia on Stance’s…ugh. You know.

I’m hurtin reeaaaal bad lol


mmm, can’t wait!!!

So…can I pick em up tonight? Get a free pull on the dyno? See what the car is puttin down. I think it’s the least PUR could do for the late coil over purchasers. And then some…

I’m gettin seriously crazy fucking excited this week. All my buddies are too. This is fucking retarded. AHHH.

I -was- actually planning on offering a token of appreciation for the retarded delays. A few dyno pulls and free installation, if desired, were at the top of my list.

But, no, they’re still in bond in 'sauga waiting to be released!

I really want them delivered on Friday. Monday latest. But hopefully Friday.

Okay. Well. That’s cool. I’m just happy that I am actually gonna get them now!

Installation. I can do that my self in no time at all. Yet, if your offering. Well shit. We’ll see. Maybe instead we can trouble shoot a small problem I am having. Maybe some one knows the RB’s that works there? Like I said, I am very new to all of this Japanese stuff.

So, Monday.

I thought maybe your confessional being a ball buster was going to end the ball busting but I guess that was a little mini pipe dream.

Thank god you weren’t in my megan racing group buy.

Can you really blame me? Or anyone?

Anyways, Mike. What is the deal bro?

the deal is they are still in 'sauga and im still waiting for delivery

Just delivery? Send someone to go get them then! LoL

I am sensing some minor hostility. Not exactly necessary. Frustration levels have risen considerably. I would like to believe that everyone is having their voices “voiced” through mine. Wether it be via here or pm’s. If I must have people frustrated with me, to get my coils. So be it.

If there is no hostility. Just frustration, then whatever. I’d just hate to go get/receive my coils on a bad note. Because I do appreciate the considerations gone into this. I just hoping these are bomb coils :smiley:

no hostility here!

sorry if it seemed that way

id by lying if i said i wasnt frustrated as hell though

its not a matter of getting them unfortunately (trust me id already be on my way). they still are in the process of being cleared
