HSR @ Watkins Glen - 6/15/08

dmoffitt, theblue and I headed down today for Dave to grab some stuff from cdoc. It just so happened that HSR was there today which is one of the series I’d really like to run one of my BMW’s with. So it was definitely a plus as I have been wanting to attend a few of their events. We only arrived for Group 2-3, F2000, and Rolex Historic Enduro. Good enough though, the machinery is always nice to see and having the classic GTP and P1 cars running is a huge plus. I’ll have more pics but here are 3 for now.

We’ll start with first generation Champion/Audi R8:

R8 chasing down Rothmans 956 headed down into the toe

Rothmans 956 blowing fire heading into the toe of the boot

More to come!

God that is so sick.

Race cars are so much cooler than any street car.

More to come!

I love that bentley


I was there all day, great time.

You didn’t have the red 944 parked in boot during the Rolex enduro?

Very cool.

Nope. I was riding on the back of a black F150 in a button down. Uploading the last of the pics.

Ugh… hotness…

I got to make it out to the Glen this season.

Awesome fucking pics :bigclap::bigclap::bigclap::bigclap::bigclap:

Hot fking cars

yea. Thats pretty much the highlight of my week right there seeing these pics

Great Job with the pics!

it was a HUGE shock to me to see the R8s, i was not expecting anything at that level.


Thanks for the awesome pictures!

I timed the R8s running consistently in the low 1:40s area… truly INSANE… they were passing super cup cars like they were standing still…

to put this race into perspective… you have a bunch of guys who paid 7 figures for some of the cars (these were all private owners) which cost something like $6000 an hour to run and they were out there racing full on against each other for no prize money… if that’s not living the dream, I don’t know what is.