Hudson VALLEY!!

Let me just jump in a sec here guys.
Enjoy this. I sound like Dad now.
But I know its a pain in the ass… and I never thought I’d feel this way, but theres a little nostalgia reading this. Back when i started …I went to HVCC for 2 years… it was small back then… I parked right near the door of some building I cant remember the name of. Once you got a ticket, you could park there everyday with the same ticket left on the windshield.
Once in a while it would blow off, or get weather damaged, but I think I had preferred parking for two years, for the price of maybe 10 tix. Good shit.

Fondest mem…took a Saturday Advanced Poetry Class, we all partied in the administrative board room, which , at the time was in the top of the Library. It was like fuckin breakfast club. 8 hour class, like every 3rd Saturday. We brought food, fought, did bongs and napped… teacher was some cool young dude that played at QE2 with some 7 foot Penis statue that he would hack up with a hatchet on stage. Life in the late 80’s I guess.
In those days, HVCC offered classes all over, the break room of Caldors was funny, workers always coming in for drinks and smokes as some 90 yr old man drabbed on about Microeconomics. Also gone is the class we held in some small office in Guilderland (HVCC had not expanded yet ) we were all over). The small office was near the “Cats Meow”, and it was a four hour class on the weekend…so the 10 of us classmates, and the teacher (some long hair) would end of drunk at the meow together. I stooped 3 of the 4 girls in my class that session due to that!
Enjoy it. I started 20 years ago this week.
BTW, Purple was like on student senate and shit, was all involved and ran da shit a Lil bit. Too funny.

Man, i’m drunk right now but that was one of the best reads ive had on an internet forum in a looong time. :crackup

Kudos to you, sir.

Im drunk 2.

Hundreds of memories are coming your way. Live to tell them.

Haha Great story :lol

;D +1 i love it

im drunk, and i went to hvcc about 6 years ago…now i work right down the road from hvcc doing nothing that involves what i went to college for

Where do you work now DJ? I’m in RTP.

Well after skipping class all day long to rail my ex-GF I guess it’s time to man up and actually go to class. See you fools there tomorrow. :nod

Useless without Pics

:lmao :+1

Yeah next time i’m hittin it i’ll be sure to have my camera charged up and ready to go. :nod

::slight_smile: you won’t!

Nah probably not. shrugs

Im in the library right now crusing the interwebz :lol

lang 110 doing nothing :giggedy

just got home. most boring day ever.

:+1 Shitty day

2 more classes for me… then work right after that. :angry2

i work at hydro tech industrial environmental, right on main st