Hudson VALLEY!!

my math teacher is the biggest flirt/slut and shes like 60 years old :lol

anyone see a red car pulled over on the hill by stewarts at 1?

no but i saw a green luimina (old style round) with dog dish hubcaps end up being undercover troy police! watchout. they pulled over some explorer on the wat home! car looks totally stock, no way to tell it was u/c cop.

I don’t understand how people get pulled over on the hill by HVCC. You have to be driving like a complete fucktard or doing something so obviously illegal that it draws the attention of the PD.

On a side note, i’m in CISS100 for 50 minutes. Naptime. :nod

deff, cold wet, just a shitty day in general

SAW THAT SHIT ON MY LUNCH…they’re scummers for sure

The fuck… i’m in the comp lab now in the campus center. The kid sitting behind me and to the left is watching pr0n. :wtf :wtf :wtf :wtf :wtf

Yeah i saw the undercovers pulling everybody over yesterday. Sneaky…

troy PD likes to hide in the pulloffs right after stewarts goin towards HVCC and on the road right after the bridge getting off 787.

i just went to hess express to get a drink, lol I talked to one of the K-9 unit sheriffs down here a couple minutes ago too

i completely missed my 9:20 class today :ohnoes :headbang DAMNIT, couldn’t hear my fucking alarm

lol me too. So im going to skip my next two classes too.

Yep I once again missed my 9am class. I left an hour prior, and out of no where there was a giant traffic jam on route 4 all the way from the i90 exit to hvcc. :wtf It’s never been THAT backed up before. And fuck that, I left earlier than I usually do too. :headbang

Yeah but my teacher for the class i missed is a DICK…so now i have to e-mail him with my sob story/excuse :lmao

Yeah be careful with that. At Siena I missed class on occasion and they got SO pissed off. :lmao Some were more leniant than others but for the most part a lot of them allowed like 2 or 3 absences before they started lowering grades. HVCC is like 10 absences before they even consider lowering a grade. :banana


Yeah Siena seems like they’re tough on attendance…then again HVCC is full of clowns so they probably get people skipping all the time, everyday. :lol :lmao

i COULD’VE probably made it in like 10-15 minutes late but i was like fuck it, going in late would be a waste/awkward :lol

Yeah I hated walking into class late. You get the :wtf stares from everyone. Definitely an awkward feeling. I did it once drunk though… that was fun.


Should i e-mail the teacher? or no?.. it’s Reis idk if you know him or not…Foundations

OMFG that clown… yes I know him. E-mail him asap, say you woke up and yacked or something. They hate it when you don’t show up and don’t email them or call them even (something I was notorious for doing… :lol)

:rofl ok