yeah ill be there mtwr nights
Fall 08…aug 25
you get in a certain routine driving to work and then the day school starts its total mayhem. Sooo warning to anyone going to HVCC 787-south troy bridge, watch out for the gray duramax, he may possibly run you off the road . Poor college students, i fear for you.
Nothing is wrong with Colonie at all. People just bitch about it and think that there is some magical happy place that they will flock to once they get out of school. Well i’ve got news for them:
EVERY PLACE IS THE SAME (OR WORSE) THAN HERE. It might not be by an ocean or lake but I mean for what it is it’s a great place to live. I like it anyway. And living by an ocean/lake gets boring anyway, and don’t even get me started on the cost of living near one of those things, either. I know people who live near the ocean, and they tell me they would much rather live where I am than down there. These are people living in $500,000+ houses within walking distance to the ocean. The cost of living there SUCKS. What does that tell you? :lmao
Comon…the grass is always greener on the other side.
Yeah, but the problem is the grass could be spraypainted green to create the illusion that it’s greener than the other side. But in reality… :tong
thats when ya know you have to poke at it a bit and get the green back to the top :ponder
oops, I meant to quote the colonie hatin’ laduke, not you :sad
Speak for yourself. I hate it here and there are much better places to live.
where else have you lived? and im not talking in upstate NY. ive lived on the pacific coast and beleive me, I LOVED IT. ive lived on the south coast, ive lived in japan, ive lived on the open ocean even. there is much more to NY and much more than the normal “hotspots” people go to. colonie isnt that bad of a place, you just need to change the scenery, change where you go and who you see on a day to day basis.,. you are the sole limiter to what life holds and how your life is. if you dont like colonie, save money(5,000$ or more) so you can pay bills you may have for a few months, or take a week or 2 and go to where youd like to live, look for a job, apply, interview then make the move. the only thing keeping you here is you.
on the cost of living thing. NY has one of the HIGHEST AC of L in the country.states like california are expensive, but they are also compensated through wages.
I’d like to live back in the Philly area again. As much I didn’t like going to school down there, where I lived was a great place.
I like to shit talk Jersey alot, but to be honest it doesn’t cost much more for my aunt to live three blocks from the ocean than it does for my parents to live in Colonie, and I spend so much time there it’s like a second home. If it wasn’t for Joe, I never would have come back last time I was there. I had no job at home, and nothing I would really miss.
yea colonie has its ups and downs but same with other places…
I think you guys may have mis-interpreted what I meant (on the internet? no way! :banana).
Anyway, yes there is other places to live that are better than here. That’s a given. I’m just sick of people complaining and bitching about where they currently live (Colonie, Sch’dy, etc.). It’s not bad at all. And if you don’t like it then (like mk4 said) save up some money and go to where you would like to be for a few months. Apply for jobs, talk with the locals, etc. The only one keeping you here is yourself.
Philly is awesome. sure the winters suck in the northeast, oh well. get over it, or get out, but philly has so much history, good street scene, good bike scene(bmx and motorcycle).
the place i liked the most is the charlotte, NC area. but the south east in general is nice, but NY has its ups and downs. if i could live in this area from september -november only i would. i think those are the best months. i liked WA alot, summers are awesome there. seeing rain in the winter takes a bit to get used to but, get a good jacket and an umbrella and youll be good to go.
True. My friend lives down there and she thinks everything is expensive when she comes up here to visit and for school. Every place is different.
If I would go anywhere away from this area I would go to Charlotte, NC as well. I spent a few weeks there at my uncles house and loved it.
You’d be quite suprised how much LESS snow Philly gets then us considering it’s only 4 1/2 hours away. Back when I was living down there 3 years ago turbo Honda’s were ridiculous down there like they are up here now. The car scene was so big down there.