day 1 done. wasn’t too bad. kinda see it like grade 13 haha. good seein all yous at taco bell. idk if i can do it tommorrow but i’m in for wed. this time let it be deli and brew for wed.
oh, i’ve also noticed if you don’t have an EF hatch at HVCC you aint shit. :lol
word. whats the schdule for tommorrow? i’m out at 10.50 so can’t make it tommorrow but wed fo sho.
107 miles on it so far… hit 15 psi. car felt stronger now on 15 psi then it ever has… hopefully i can rack up the miles quick. 30 psi and cam-2 here i come :ninja
I’m on break at 10-11 and 12-1 tomorrow. Also 3-4 but I work at 4.
And fuck parking on the grass. People were driving like 50 in the mud and then slamming on the brakes to turn around once they realized theres no open spots. I was sitting in my car listening ot music for a good hour watching this go on. Kind of entertaining, but my god if I caught any of them hitting my car… DEATH. :angry2
Where did all you guys park today? I’m going to try hitting up one of the lots in the back of the school by the baseball field. My buddy told me there was spots open over there. Everyone jam packed onto the grass today… I parked there cause I just figured all the other spots were taken. :ponder