Hudson VALLEY!!

Pete you just told everyone where you live :rofl


thats not my address ding dong. used a different housz

So they can just cruise around till they see your TDI or Golf :nod :lol

I got an hour break inbetween classes tommarow for 12 to 1. Who wants to get food? :giggedy

Joey and I will meet up with you

+1 we usually hit up Taco Bell or Deli & Brew

Siiiick Taco bell FTW! Ill call Joey at 12oclock ish and well meet up

I can has Taco Bell? :sad


High Schoolers need not apply…in other words…GTFO :shifty

word mang text me, can’t answer phone at work…text me a little before 12 so i can tell my boss when we’re going. :nod

:sad :asshole

Alright mang will do :nod

Damn my class starts at 12

We don’t want you there anyways ya fairy ;D

wait, whos goin for Automotive Technical Services?
if anyone, do you have Lab tues -fri at 8am?

im right down the road from you guys, i can probably swing up for lunch

Joeys mad cause he punked out last night :ninja

Yeah I would have went but I have class at 1 so I didn’t want to eat too early. Next time i’ll go though since i’m bored as fuck right now. Just chillin in Siek on the computers… haha.

ughh i start tmroo … wtf