Huge Fire Over Buffalo?

oh wow.

I first saw it from about 50 miles away in the southern teir. Took some pictures as i went around the 190. I’ll post some soon.

not the clearest shots since it’s dark and i’m driving about 60mph…

My girlfriend and I were cruising from my dads house.

We spotted smoke on main street in amherst, and decided to do some investigating.

I thought it was something on elmwood on fire, but its way out.

Its a warehouse way down on military.

We ended up going behind the ghetto tops on grant and amherst, and walking through an abandoned mini golf course to get a good vantage point.

There was probably 100 people there just climbing the hill there to get a good look.

yeah i saw it too, wasnt sure if it was actually a fire or not.

holy smokes!!


holy smokes!!


horrible pun.

Finally home, you could see it a LONGGGG way down the 90.

Tasted it in Kenmore. Looked to be a decent size fire.

i could see the smoke from union rd when i was driving home , that has to be one massive fire.

reminds me of waht iraq looked like on a daily basis :bloated:

from what I was told there was acetylene, propane and heavy plastics and a big explosion on tonwanda street


from what I was told there was acetylene, propane and heavy plastics and a big explosion on tonwanda street


yup, can confirm this as well. I was in the car with josh when he was finding out what happened and called ya back.

Saw it from Williamsville, then heard about it on the radio. A warehouse for Buffalo Business Interiors and some Latino food company, if I recall correctly.

For all I know, that Buffalo News link tells what I just said. :slight_smile:

Or this:

Seen it in Cheektowaga, on Losson Rd. Smoke had a purple tint to it as well…maybe the chemicals?

I saw it from op. I was heading to buffalo, and it turned out to be right along the 198 where I had to go. Mad firetrucks and police cars.

i saw it from akron, i just thought it was some weird contrast of clouds in the horizon…guess not :eek:

I’ve been seeing smaller black clouds of smoke for the past few days now right in that area. Wtf is going on?


from what I was told there was acetylene, propane and heavy plastics and a big explosion on tonwanda street


Yep, I saw the chemical explosion as I drove up. Could have a perfect view from the 198 of it, traffic was insanity.

Just as we started driving up (we came down military) we hit military and amherst which was the only city block between the building and us we saw this massive fireball go up I am not sure how high it went but it was towering. We parked and walked up to check it out but the view from that side sucked. Ended up driving around to the 198 and could see it very well, and could see what room had exploded, it was a smaller part of the building my guess is it is where the gasses were stored because it was blown the fuck up…

All in all, was totally not worth the traffic though lol

Oh and on the way into work this morning I drove past it on the 198 - they are still spraying it down


Saw it last night al the way down in South Wales.

I just remember telling my girlfriend as we were driving into EA from the on top the hill that somehting big was burning bigtime.