What do you define… “be a jerk with on the street” as?

I wont go around telling people my car is faster than theirs or anything. I know a lot of cars are still better/faster than the gt mustang lol I just like the style of it and I like pocket $$$ :smiley:

The thing with my car is… It has a broken frame for the convertible top which “is a common error with 07’ mustangs” according to FORD… Which means I can’t even take down the top over the summer unless I invest another 500 cash in it to fix it (by a cheap laborer, 3 grand if I want a professional doing it). So basically I have a convertible I cant use in the summer…

Whats the use??


fast enough for nyc
Fast enough as in I have already gotten over 6-7 speeding tickets… And thats off a V6 lol.

MX-5 I would appreciate it very much if you wrote NOTHING instead of writing something negative every 5 minutes… Im asking for an honest opinion.
MY post clearly said I DONT RACE RELIGIOUSLY… and yes if someone pulls up next to me no matter WHAT car it is and revs the engine I will race it… I dont care if they will/do wipe the floor with me… its not a matter of me losing a race. Its the thrill I get seeing a car blurr past me when I am going 120 and I know hes going 160+