Hunters: who's going out for opening day?

I got my first deer today :D. it was about 70 yards away, I heard it walking but couldnt see it because it blends in so well with the leaves on the ground and whatnot, then I saw it moving, an it was heading away from me, then I let out a nice little “ahh what the fuck” and it stopped and looked at me. BAM! Perfect shoulder shot, it was dead before it hit the ground. Nice yearling buck, 2 antlers about 8" or so long. A nice big buck would be nice, but honestly, I could care less. I’m just happy as fuck I finally got one. My sister and brother in law do deer processing at their house so by wed. I’ll be eatin gooood.

Did it have spots :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyone know of a mossberg 500 12 gauge for sale? I need a new gun and am a lefty so this pump gun works perfect for me…

Well there is no one on the bored from Wellsville but when hunting season everyone come out to my neck of the woods lol.

lol. nope :smiley:

No shit, my parents place is in birdsall, its on the top of hiltonville road right after the turn off of 15B. I’ve spent many a summer working on the cabin, really nice place, the cabin that is, town is “small”.

nice, congrats Jeg!

I have land in Wellsville. I should be down there this weekend :slight_smile:

Sounds fair to me…given the situation.

thanks man :smiley:

“Quick, its comin’ right for us!”

Just got this txt from a friend…

nice buck! I just dropped mine off.

If anybody is looking for someone for processing lemme know. He is REALLY good. $70 for basic processing (steaks, roast, ground etc). $4/lb for snack sticks (5 lb minimum), and $1/lb for sausage (10 lb minimum). His sausage and snack sticks he makes are amazing. Not just saying it becuase he is my brother in law, but seriously, the best I"ve ever had.

What is a snack stick?

its like a beef stick, like a slim jim kinda thing. They are fucking rediculously good. the summer sausage/breakfast sausage is amazing as well.

it’s jerky

I got a 7 pointer opening day, got him back from the processor and cant wait for dinner tonight!

My first deer :smiley: