Hurricaine Victims - RANT

strange houston area is the 4th richest city in america. i doubt most of em are that poor. not everybody can just afford to get up and move b/c of the area they live in. and houston and texas really dont get that hard/that much with hurricanes. soo its not like they are always getting hand outs from the government.

i guess the biggest thing that set me off was that the lady was from galveston… If it happens once it will happen again

found the flaw

but i agree with the handouts. fuck people who just want to slide through and never step up and do something for themselves, their country. but when the time comes to bitch and moan everybody who shouldnt talk, opens the mouth

i say they should build better structures/levvies etc. little by little this wouldnt be an issue anymore… its not a 50/50 shot that a hurricane will come… they get hit at least 1nce a year with SOME sort of storm … FIX IT!

levvies? are you serious? The land is below sea level. it should be a beach! Perhaps I will just concrete myself a area to live in the middle of the river and claim disaster everytime a boat goes by and creates a wake.

Beach? No. it should be the bottom that you look at through the glass bottom of the boat.

“Geee…we flooded again. I don’t understand why this keeps happening in our below-sea-level city next to the sea…”

Let’s just let Darwin win a couple?

I actually think it would be more like DIAH, but I get what you’re saying.

i said levvies as a generalization, not specific to houston… but regardless… i think they should just get the fuck out of there… the choices they make should not be covered down for them when shit goes haywire…

It doesn’t take any money to move. Just a pair of legs.

Example A: about a bajilloin mexicans moved here probably even more broke than the people bitching abour being poor down there.


i dont know what else to say to this thread.

i don’t think anyone expected much from you.

wtf is up with that?

i said nothing rude to you…

its a hit,pleasse exit

Hahaha - so true. Most people don’t know how to ruff it anymore.

haha, I can’t wait for the “OMG pittsburgh sucks ass in the winter!” threads

gtfo then, right? it’s sooo simple! :slight_smile:

yep… if you don’t like the snow… move! it is that easy

I hate snow

It would be nice if every decision that people had to make were so black and white. However, there are always going to be shades of gray that none of us will understand until we are forced into the situation.

I spent weeks in 2004, after the flood, helping the people that live near my cousin. They all lived next to chartier’s creek in Heidelberg. The majority of their houses were considered total loses. So after helping all of these people, who had just lost everything they have ever known, I gained compassion for their situation. I did not care who’s fault it was that they were flooded or where they lived or any of that.

I mean Pittspeed even went as far as taking up a collection to help these people. WHY? Was it because Katrina actually hit a little too close to home? We actually knew people effected? If you truly mean what all of you are saying in this thread then you are hypocrites for donating and helping last time.

I have a hard time believe all of you are so callous. Some of these people genuinely need our help and all you can say is well too bad, you should not have lived there. Its much easier sitting in the confides of your own home, in Pennsylvania, to say that. Im sure it would be a whole different situation if it was one of you or your family members that had just lost everything.

I do not care about the politics of the situation so spare me that. Its about having compassion for your fellow Americans, if not Americans then human beings in general.

I am not some kid of god lover, hippie treehugger or anything like that. I just recognize that I have a good life, many advantages and I am genuinely thankful for all of it. In a split second it could all be gone so when I see people in their time of need I feel obligated to help. I hope that I am never in that situation but if I am I hope that there is someone willing to help me.

kudos! A good friend of mine who is a city fire fighter went down for a month or two and helped out as well.

thats like saying new york should have taken a sick day on 9/11.

i agree with most that their are too many people who dont get up off their lazy asses and fend for themselves instead of demanding help from the gov.

but to say they deserved to die with their home bc they didnt want to leave all they have ever known?

i think thats a harsh statement.

I mean I definitely concur with that statement. If the people are out there trying to help themselves, if capable, and not making it then I have no problem helping where I can. Im not saying that i am taking a trip to Houston anytime soon but I have no problem donating some extra money to the victims.


Im sure this is going to get nasty, being that it is Pittspeed’s nature, so when it does ill probably just keep my opinions to myself and not post in here anymore. If we can keep a rational argument going then I have no problem listening to others opinions and talking about it.

i think a lot of people are agrivated with the victims always blaming someone else when it WAS A NATURAL DISASTER! WEATHER HAPPENS!