Hurricane Irene

Oh man, the grocery store by the Holland Tunnel was a mad house. All sorts of people you don’t usually see leave there house panicking. Store was sold out of water, and bread. hahaha. I just wanted to grab a snack.

Liquor store was calm in comparison.


How do you suspect it will weaken over warm water?

The category doesn’t mean shit…this storm is massive

My mom and sister are in Urbanna, VA. She says the storm surge maps put her under water…interesting. I told her to dust off her water wings…

I’ll be in the bahamas next week, hopefully they didn’t get destroyed too much. I need someone to make my drinks for me.

wow, good job obama. This storm will be “historic” for sure. It will be the most overhyped tropical storm to hit NYC and that’s about it.

I was asked to go down to Virginia beach and help with preparation and aftermath cleanup , but I fly to Vegas in the morning

The news is really hyping this up…I hate the mainstream news channels. Can’t just stick to the facts, gotta stir the pot.

You never want a serious crisis to go to waste, and what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you didn’t think you could do before.

If we had a white president this hurricane wouldn’t even come near the US.

Isn’t it kind of the presidents duty to address the people in times of crisis, or even possible crisis?

So this means gas prices are going to skyrocket again? wtfffff

Just imagine if we went forward with off-shore drilling in the U.S., gas would be $20 a gallon everytime a storm brews.

Hurricane Irene in the Media = The wrath of raptor Jesus will be force upon us destroying all of humanity in the United States
Hurricane Irene in Reality = It’s going to rain alot on the east coast…oh it’ll probably be a bit windy too.

So I’m on the cruise ship carnival and we were on course for the bahamas yesterday. Lol ended up hiting tons of rollers and had to change course. I am now in the florida keys. was caos, ship was swaying like crazy. I puked my brains out after about 8 hrs of fighting waves. People were vomiting every where. glasses and tables were flying around and smashing. Was pretty epic.
I was going to hop a flight from the keys back home but the weather is really nice here so ill wait and see how it goes. Wish me luck. Lol

Dude I was thinkin about ya earlier. Bummer about your vaca but hope it goes well from here.

I was just thinking about you too cuz I have a draft PM I was gonna send you about needing some welding this week. lol Time to figure out plan C.

We are all thinking about JD

What ya need welded?

aluminum :frowning:

Ill be back in a couple days sunday night. Well, that is if the huricane doesn’t get in the way .

i was catching slack in the weather thread for leaving NY’s winters for West Palm’s hurricanes… now NY has had an earthquake and a pending hurricane. I think God is just pissed at NY for making gay marriage legal.