Hurricane Rita

not again. omfg.

With all due respect, I think it’s pretty pathetic that most people’s main concerns is how much they will have to pay for gasoline.

wow, $5/gallon is gonna make my checking acount SWELL.

they just said on the news it will hit 6 by us…


what’s pathetic about that?

the price of gasoline will have an immediate and significant impact on my life. If it really gets to 6$ a gallon i will have to change some habits and my lifestyle.

I dont feel that i have any personal ties to that area that will be impacted, other than it’s a part of the united states with american citizens.

I really hope people actually leave this time so there is no loss of life, only loss of property


You can blame the gas prices on the american way of life actually. That’s why the prices are the way they are. Until we can become less dependant on oil, gas companies will charge what they want. Gas companies are making more money then they ever did before, and the reason for this is because over the years, they have realized that they can charge more and more and the consumer will still purchase the same amount.

I took a job where I knew I would need to commute a large distance, and we have all taken a way of life where we need to drive. You chose to drive.

And I personally find it difficult to bitch a whole lot about something when some people have so little in comparison.

Yea i agree with you, it sucks that the oil companies can get away with it but they can. Because as consumers we will buy oil and gas, we are dependent on it.

But i still say from the hurricane my biggest concern is the rising oil costs associated with the storm

omfg noes no more kiddie porn and becoming a fatass budget!!!~!!~~~~

but yeah i dont think its pathetic either. yeah its horrible what happened with katrina and what is probably going to happen with rita, but the amount of the people being affected directly is pretty small compared to the amount of people who arent directly affected at all. So the only thing you can expect from millions and millions of people is to sympathize about the situation and at least do a little helping, but stewie says it best when describing his big package with “the world keeps spinnin”. Our lives continue on exactly the same expect everything gets more expensive. Same wages, same pay, taxes increase, gas prices rise, restuarants and businesses have more expensive bills now so they jack up prices. And guess what, oil companys can afford to lose some money every now and then. Nope, they have to show profits every consecutive year. So say they profited 700004698569 billion last year, im sure they could do just fine with only making 700004698560 this year.

Ok im done ranting and breaking shit in my house.

before we start with the this stupid shit

read that. they have been told to leave, and they are providing buses for the poor and old… oh, and this is the state taking care of its own (maybe they should have thought about that the last time)

if people dont leave when told to/given the chance, fuck em.

bush has more important things to worry about. like the cost of oil, and when these refineries get shut down how he is going to keep the rest of the country running smoothly. 99.9% of the country > .1% (read that as 1 city)

i am sure however that he will be down there just to keep the ignorant from bagging on him.

was watching the news and they showed all of the backed up traffic of the people trying to get out and omg… :eek: i really hope the people get the hell out of there this time, rita isnt going to be nice…

just read on cnn…rita is now 175 mph…this shit is gonna be crazy…word has it that the storm might loose a lil power due to the cooler water at the coast of texas…i just hope my hope my hometown doesnt get battered to much.:mad:


the truely ironic thing here (IMO), is:
Being so immediately after the Katrina fiasco, any large storm would garner alot of gov’t attn., that’s the nature of politics. So, if Rita were heading to the Carolinas, then Federal & Regional Gov’t would be all about prevention, evac., and federal aid money.

Now, the irony, again IMO, is that it’s heading towards Texas. Giving fodder to both leftists & right-wingers. Because they are morons. Those who say “I wonder how long it’ll take Bush to help Texas…” are idiots considering the lesson of Katrina is still so fresh.




You know, I wouldn’t mind the increased gas prices if some of it were going to help the people affected.

^^ i agree…wont happen

Well of course not. Those people at the oil companies are hurting for money.


those people at the oil companies drive this country.

they unfortunately r the only people who r prob happy ab this :frowning:

lets face it, not to be a cold-hearted dick or anything, but if these people dont get the fuck out of where they are, then they are stupid and ignorant, and i wont feel bad for them when they get hurt. As for those people who do leave and leave behind their houses and belongings which will most likely be huffed down by the hurricane, i am truely sorry, i couldnt imagine leaving my house and coming back at some point to see it not there anymore, or in ruins. thats devistating