Hurricane Rita

late tonight / sat morning according to NOAA

Well, so Rita is raining over new orleans, this just happened a few mins ago,2933,170213,00.html

cliff notes-
“Our worst fears came true. The levee will breach if we keep on the path we are on right now, which will fill the area that was flooded earlier,” said Barry Guidry with the Georgia National Guard ([search](javascript:siteSearch(‘Georgia National Guard’);)).

Dozens of blocks in the Ninth Ward ([search](javascript:siteSearch(‘Ninth Ward’);)) were under water as a waterfall at least 30 feet wide poured over a dike that had been used to patch breaks in the Industrial Canal ([search](javascript:siteSearch(‘Industrial Canal’);)). On the street that runs parallel to the canal, the water ran waist-deep and was rising fast.


I skipped most of the thread, but the people that are complaining about people complaining about the impact on gas prices are idiots.

That area does something like refine 3/4 of the world’s gasoline. Disrupting the supply for even a week would have huge economoic repercussions FAR beyond $5/gallon gas. Serious outtage would most likely send the US into a recession worse than we’ve seen in 30 years.

So yea.

It’s a big fucking deal. For everyone.

my rents ended up having a natural gas well under their house when they built it. They signed a deal where the gas company got to keep it, in turn… they got free gas for like 15 years :tup:

back on topic:
It would be better if it hits NO IMO. The towns already destroyed… cant hurt much more

If production facilities get hit in the gulf we are fucked.
I have said in past threads that a 10% drop in supply of fuel can screw the economy big time.
If Walter is correct in stating that 3/4 of world production is in the gulf and they get hit hard enough to slow production significantly that will have a terrible effect on the global economy.
On top of that, WTF is Greenspan thinking raising rates even more right now?

i thought that it was more like 45% of our nations oil was being pulled from the gulf.
eh, maybe i will google it

I shall see if I can’t find a number… heard it on the news last night a few times. I couldn’t believe how high the number was, even if it wasn’t 3/4

It’s whatever percentage of the US’s refining capacity, not supply. We refine oil and supply it to other places.

I can’t seem to find it, although most news reports have a more favorable outlook on the potential damage to the oil infrastructure. I hope it keeps heading east/north :confused:

I think thats just for the U.S.

WBEN this morning was saying that China’s oil just dropped to 65 a barrel (from what price, I dont know). considering the storm on it’s way, and Katrina… I doubt their prices would be dropping if the gulf was producing oil for them. Again, not positive on that

Our oil prices dropped today too

heh… no shit, so I was (kind of) paying attention afterall lol

now cat3


die bitch die


man, im gonna miss chicago


stuff that makes me a bad person:
“I done called for a shelter; I done called for help. There ain’t none. No one answers,”
hrm double negitive… did she actually speak to someone?

a check-cashing store that had just run out of its main commodity
now thats a pisser

“I’d like to go, but nobody come get me,” the woman said in broken English. When asked her name, she looked frightened. “No se, no se,” she said: Spanish for “I don’t know.”

she doesnt even speak english, or know her own name. she probably doesnt even know whats going on. in her mind there is a party that everyones going to, and she wasnt invited

oh, and this is my favorite:
“We got a half-gallon of whiskey and a room.”
what more could you need?

amen and :nite:

funniest part is, I can actually see the gentleman conveying this particular little gem. a flawless, shimmering image, delivering his soliliquy in dolby digital 5.1.

all I can say.

thats too funny :lol: