Hybrids - cost of ownership

all electric or nothing I say. Fuck this hybrid shit.

yeah and about 10 mpg in the city, I was looking at one to replace my ranger a few years ago and a friend told me they were exceptionally horrible on gas.

Just going to post up about this. My dad got a prius to replace the forester XT he gave me. He commutes into the city and gets in the high 40’s in the winter and mid 50’s the rest of the year. In the XT in the same driving got around 18-21 mpg on premium as a comparison. In highway driving however the mileage goes down to the mid to high 40’s. It cost about the same as any of the other cars we were considering and has the keyless start/entry system which the other cars we were looking at didn’t. The torque from the electric motor saves it from being completely gutless to drive, traction control system kills any fun around corners however.

i still dont understand why automakers havent come out with a diesel hybrid yet, diesels are known for being substantially better on fuel than their gas counterparts so I would think a diesel hybrid would be an even better alternative

diesel hybrids LOL, I’ll be happy with a civic diesel that gets 50mpg,

I’ve been wondering this for years… maybe something to do with the constant starting and stopping of the motor?

My friend gets better gas mileage in his golf diesel than he did in his prius. TDI > hybrid.

oohhh yeah… hmm forgot about that one

stupid reality.