Hybrids may drive move to break-by-wire

Hybrids may drive move to Break-by-Wire


Brake-by-wire systems could be pushed to the market as hybrid technology becomes more common, according to SKF. While the linked article states that this is “because it is electronic”, it would seem that a slightly more accurate reason is that it’s easier to provide a smooth and linear braking response with brake-by-wire when regenerative braking is added into the mix. Conventional hydraulic systems offer no easy way to decrease braking force to account for the additional deceleration offered when the regen mode is entered, which presents some significant challenges when trying to maximize energy recovery while still providing an acceptably smooth braking response.



My question is what happens when a sensor goes out when your doing 65+ on the interstate and a traffic jam is approaching you?

pray u dont die

back up hand brake until they have some back up figured out. how many problems with drive by wire so far? id imagine a few.

why not just let electronics do everything ! so when some crazy nut job has a EMP were all fucked or like 2f2f when the cop zaped the car it could happen

where hycomp when it comes to this, he know more then the average person about hybrids…

officer im sorry i rear ended you. No excuses. But officer my brakes gave out its brake by wire.

ARGH i hate anything by wire, it never feels like the real thing.

what problems do you imagine there would be?

the only one i can think of is the throttle body closing when trying to push past the OEM ecu’s limit.

They’ve been using fly by wire in airplanes for 20 years, and I only recall one accident ever being caused by it. For Hybrids it probably makes a lot of sense for BRAKE by wire.

drive by wire is nothing new… vw has made production vechiles DBW for over 5 years :ugh: many car companys do.

I would rather my car shut off or blow a motor than have no brakes though… eitherway, i’m sure there are electronic safegaurds for braking-by-wire.

im sure if the sensor goes bad it will be incoded somewhere to break the car safely but at enough of a rate not to be a hazard.

I’m sure there will be redundant sensors, so that won’t even be a factor. You have to build redundancy into something like that.