i <3 hitler <-- JOKE TITLE

$10 for a shrunken skull?

i dont have the shit. thats disgusting… but i do have an overwhelming basis of knowledge of world history from the WW1-WW2 era

how do you shrink a skull?

beetle juice skulls? sweet

i have no idea… ask a pigmye?

this thread sucks. i dont like it anymore

orrr that was the most offensive, ignorant thing I’ve ever read. :rofl

guess you arent schooled in the way of the world yet. there are reasons weapons of mass destruction were invented. fucking use them.


There’s a kid like you, only more…extreme in one of my classes, he was trying to tell the class about this ‘new world order’ crap and something else about ‘real id’ to track your every move, and even had the audacity to say we’d be wrong about calling him a conspiracy theorist, even touched on the 9/11 was set up by our gov’t conspiracy

it took me everything in my power to not burst into laughter :rofl

Heil Hitler


what ever happened to the guys who make those youtube videos telling us we didnt obey jesus LOL and that bush was gonna put us all in coffins



if anyone has a doubt read the book mein kompf i did when i was in jail enlightens a lot of things,oh and for what its worth who said i was joking those are my beliefs dont fuck wit them and i wont rip on yours.dont worry im not arien or anything just my grandparents are german right off the boat so i heard a lot and i belive a lot so dont worry sinhg imnot gonna git ya or bur shit in your lawn

i have a swastika on my cock!!! it’s killer

i know im off topics it that the 11 sec yota

i wish…my best was a 13.5

edit. 0-60 time is 13.5


How many people here besides a jew are acctualy offended by my joking sarcasm?

Aparently it doesnt transfer well, hence the note in my sig…

but feel free to put complaints in my PM Box for me to display your rage to the rest of the world :rofl

pussy,dont let the minoroties keep ya down

stfu, ill burn you too…

Like I stated, I hate all of you equally…

the only one is MK4 30R because he will be flipping the burn switch

wait, what about me now? im no jew.