Would you rather....

This is a game we play at work. Its as simple as this, an idividual presents two scenarios that you need to choose from and explain your reasoning if needed. Now, at my work it gets pretty vile and disgusting etc usually within about 3 questions it goes right to gay or other weird gross shit. Think of new ones throughout the day or night and it starts over. Maybe it’ll be fun here. Heres one of the hardest we’ve had so far…

Would you rather be single handedly held acountable for 9/11 or The Holocaust?

Oooouf, that’s terrible. Id say out of Holocaust or 9/11, Id rather be held responsible for the Rodney King beating :lmao

Would you rather live the life of PJB or Erngotti?

Pjb just hates his life. Erngotti believes that hes mint… so I would rather be erngotti.

Would you rather bang kbizz or sweatyngetsfucked?

and this thread failed in 3 posts…well 2…awesome…good work guys.

and as for the original question…don’t seem to hard for me, 9/11. your gonna be remembered through the history books, rather have only killed a couple thousand people then millions and millions and millions of people.



i have no question so i am also failing in this thread.


I went with The Holocaust. Reasons being because 9/11 was very recent and people are still super pissed about it. Holocaust while many more people died, was quite sometime ago and isnt a fresh wound. Also, 9/11 is in the same state where i live and the holocaust was in a whole different continent.

Erngotti and sweaty.

9/11, I’d rather be accountable for a few thousand dead people rather than millions.

PJB hands down. Because Erngotti HAS downs.

Never seen either of them. So neither.

Would you rather have your eye ball cut, or your ball sack?

single eye ball.

Would you rather have meatpaws or dolf lundgren jerk you off?

Kid at my work said hed let a guy jerk him off for $100. Were trying to make it happen.

Id take a cut on my ball sack or lose a testicle over an eye.

I charge $50 obo


K another one.

You fucked up and your sentenced to prison for 10 years, would you rather be in a pitch black dark cell 24 hours a day for a month at a time and after every month you get 20 seconds of light each month that passes. Vs, youre outside and get to see and feel the elements etc and have a form of shelter but, youre strapped face to face with a dead rotting human corpse. Fully attached. And when its rotted away to mostly nothing, they bring a new one.

pitch black dark… human mind is an amazing thing, imagination would take over.


95% of people would go insane in a month. They used that type of torture in viet nam etc.


The gf was just reading about that the other day. Crazyyyy shit.

That’s why guys that fight their pitbulls keep them in pitch dark.

I would just be jerking off to your gf constantly.

I do the same thing.

Youre just to busy fucking your girl Karina now.