Lance told me all about it.
Never banged Karina… haven’t talked to her in awhileeeeee. Work takes up my life.
Work as in her fat polish ass.
Would you rather look like E man w/ a 3" cock or Laduke w/ a 5" cock w/ a face that looks like a cross mix between someone with down syndrome and little nicky after he got hit in the face with a shovel?
take your time with this one, I know its a tuffy.
haha I wish
Should neg you for that.
Negged looksexy
Would you rather have a broken charger for 6 months or a s2000 that breaks for 6 months every 2 times you drive it?
banging her… would be much better than working 24/7
I disagree.
she that bad/beat?
For you… shes a fuckin 15.
Nah, I don’t post up pics of girls like that. But you’ve only had sex like 2 times sooo… im not concerned about my previous statement.
I just dont go sticking my dick into random whores.
Neither do I most of the time. I also wouldn’t retire my cock…
S2000. Mine brakes just fine.
And I’d rather do anything in this thread than see the gif Benny posted in the Bad Ass Auto Pictures thread earlier today. Ruined my whole morning.
your looking at it in the wrong way, if your responsible for either your dead (well lets just go with your dead, or will be at some point), don’t look at it in the short term, look at in 200 years when they are teaching about history, but you are american, so you don’t think long term, esp if you think people aren’t still pissed about the holocaust, thats like saying blacks aren’t still pissed about slavery cause it was an even longer time ago.