Would you rather....

really tempted to post gif here but too lazy


I see your side as well.

you dont!? :banghead

no, Im not like that.

Lettuce be cereal, Paul doesn’t stick is dick into anything that walks with only two legs.

I’d rather be responsible for the Holocaust honestly. Although Mossad (sp?) still will hunt former Nazis, and they’re still being prosecuted for war crimes, I consider myself too American to have been responsible for ~3000 American deaths.

I’d also rather be E-man. And rather have an S2000 that brakes. And if it brakes for 6 months, then that’s just a damn safe vehicle.

Would you rather be the pitcher in gay sex, or never have sex with a woman for the rest of your life?

No sex forever. Pjbs living that choice in real life. Could still jerk off.

And fuuuuu i edited the brakes to breaks :rofl.

would you rather go 50 years into the future or 50 years into the past?

That ones actually very very tough.

I think I’d enjoy going 50 years into the future more then anything

I think most would agree if we had the chance to go 50 years in the past retaining the knowledge that we have now, we would do whatever we could to try and make a difference in how things played out.

Would you rather have a debilitating illness/medical issue but be able to have everything you ever wanted, or live healthy and happy for the rest of your life as a lower/middle class family?

Fitty in the future. Fa sho.

Past, 60s were the shit.

I wouldn’t want to deal with the white people :rofl

I’d rather be happy & healthy but poor.

Would you rather have science empirically confirm the existence of God OR find the cure for cancer?


healthy and happy

Cure for cancer.

I don’t have any good questions right now… sorry.


Would you rather have to suck a dudes dick once a day for a month for $10 million or pay someone $1000 to not be forced to suck their dick once?

study superbowl and lotto numbers then take a trip to the past

curing cancer

wtf good would it do to prove or disprove the existance of God… existance still sucks

10 million you say? lol

There’s a better chance of someone finding a live shark swimming in their sock drawer than scientifically proving a fictitious being. Cancer cure for sure.

Would you rather “pull the plug” on a loved one, or lose your eyesight permanently?