I <3 the internet, F the handouts

ALTADENA, California (CNN) – When she was laid off in February, Patricia Guerrero was making $70,000 a year. Weeks later, with bills piling up and in need of food for her family, this middle-class mother did something she never thought she would do: She went to a food bank.

Patricia Guerrero was laid off in February. Desperate to make ends meet, she recently went to a food bank

It was Good Friday, and a woman helping her offered to pay her utility bill.

"It brought tears to my eyes, and I sat there and I cried. I was like, ‘This is really where I’m at?’ " she told CNN. “I go ‘no way;’ [but] this is true. This is reality. This is the stuff you see on TV. It was hard. It was very hard.”

Guerrero is estranged from her husband and raising her two young children. She’s already burned through her savings to help make ends meet, and is drawing unemployment checks. She has had to take extreme measures to pay for her interest-only mortgage of $2,500 a month. In fact, her mother moved in with her to help pay the bills.

Guerrero even applied for food stamps, but was denied. Video Watch Guerrero describe going to food bank »

“I never used the system. I’ve been working since I was 15-and-a-half. I needed it now and it turned me down,” she said.

On Wednesday, a key government report on the battered housing market found new home sales fell to their lowest level in 13 years in February, suggesting the nation’s housing market is still struggling.

Americans also have been attending in large numbers foreclosure fairs where mortgage lenders, financial planners and counselors offer tips to hard-hit homeowners.

“Our economy is struggling, and families in the ‘Inland Empire’ and across the nation are hurting,” California Rep. Joe Baca said, referring to an area of Southern California in his district.

“Our housing market is in a state of crisis due to rampant abuses of sub-prime lending, and unemployment is rising. At the same time, the cost of necessities such as gas, healthcare, and education continue to rise.” Map: Foreclosures state-by-state »

Daryl Brock, the executive director of Second Harvest Food Bank in California’s San Bernardino and Riverside counties, said his organization supplies food to more than 400 charities in metro Los Angeles, from homeless shelters to soup kitchens to an array of food banks. While the majority of people they help are working poor families, he said they have seen some major changes.

In the last 12 to 18 months, Brock said, the agencies he supplies have begun seeing more middle-class families coming to their doors.

“Our agencies have said there is an increasing number of people coming to them for help,” Brock told CNN by phone. “Their impression was that these were not people they normally would have seen before. They seemed to be better dressed. They seemed to have better cars and yet they seemed to be in crisis mode.”

He added, “The only thing they can do is give us anecdotal evidence that they think it’s because of the sub-prime mortgage meltdown and the housing crisis.”

A former loan processor, Guerrero knows all about that, although so far she has been able keep her house.

She used her tax refund to help pay many of her bills for the first two months, but now that money’s gone.

She says she’s now in a middle-class “no-man’s-land.”

“It just happened so fast. It happened in a matter of – what – two months,” she said.

She’s eager to get back to work and to hold onto her home until the market turns. But for this single mom, every day it becomes harder to hang on.

“It’s just depressing,” she said. “For me, I just don’t want to get out of bed, but I have to. That’s my hardest thing. I have to.”

someone on the “housing bubble” forum dug up her information

 	 		 			 				[The Housing Bubble Blog](http://thehousingbubbleblog.com/index.html)

one of the original posters dug into the story:

The Housing Bubble Blog » From Fat City To Crisis Mode In California

Someone looked up Guerrero on the local assessors database: Here’s a little more information about Patricia Guerrero’s financial situation from public records (LA County Assessor and Recorder):

The 2,948 square foot house on a quarter acre lot was built in 1948.
She and her estranged husband Ray acquired the house, apparently from HIS PARENTS Israel and Esther Guerrero, in August 2002, at which time the debt load on the property was about $157,000.

Ray and Patricia took out a conventional fixed-rate first trust deed on the property on 8/14/2002 for $202,000.

I’ll spare you all the gory details of their various refinancings and equity loans, but the present note from 8/21/2006 is for $649,999.

So, it looks like they bought the place for a sweetheart deal and proceeded to jack themselves up to the tune of about $450,000 over a period of just 4 years.
cliffs: Sob story about someone making $70,000 that lost their job. Is paying $2500 on an interest only mortgage and is “forced” to the food bank to feed her and her children.

turns out, she SPENT $450,000 IN EQUITY OF HER HOUSE

:lol: I was just ripping on this in the “what was your housing formula” thread.

Her formula was salary * 6.85.

I feel bad for the people legitimately at the food bank who aren’t getting food because this fat bitch is bringing it home to her 480k house.

The research you (or someone else if you copied and pasted it) did makes this SO MUCH WORSE.

i read that story on cnn yesterday and laughed


Great Post. They should make posters of this assholes story and hand it out to people on the street.

Well that makes me want to choke a bitch. :slight_smile:

I’m sure this is not a unique story either.

I’m not going to go off on this… done it too many times. I’ll simply say: She wasn’t trying hard enough to make ends meet.

Sure its demoralizing… but if she can’t put food in her children’s mouths… why the fuck couldn’t she get a 30 or 40k/yr job? Hell… McDs can start people @ ~25k/yr in alot of cases nowadays…

dude, srsly?


650k / 70k = 9.3x

I just dont understand why she just doenst sell the place and walk away… fawk

Excuse me this is America, the land of living beyond your means. Are you a communist?

She would need to sell it for $695 to cover commisions & the debt alone.

Nevermind concessions, and the need to get a new place (1st mo & sec & utils)…

Assuming that deflated values haven’t taken that off the table altogether.

It sounds like she’s way the fuck upside down on her loans though. Bankruptcy ftw.

My 6.85 figure came from the other thread before I saw all the stuff Viper posted. I was calculating what should could have bought with an interest only mortgage of 2500/month, and it came out to 480k. 480/70=6.86.

i bet she has a lot of shoes

but she could come to buffalo and rent a apt for less than 500 bucks and get by. or buy a shitty house for under 20K in the city.

at least they denied her food stamps, I get pretty angry at the people that take advantage of that system. I see it a lot in the city at Tops.

agreed, she should have spent less $ on pies

oh thats perfect… that completes the entire current american image.