October 4, 2011, 8:56pm
umm, no. people are protesting because they are tired of being exploited by this non-rewarding system. they are allowed to protest, and it has nothing to do with the type of economic system in place, it has to do with the type of government in place.
not sure why HudsonFalcon is getting socialism confused with “communist” Russia; when that was actually led by a DICTATOR, and that wasn’t even a communist country to begin with. This world has never seen a true communist country ever, and it never will.
Also, if you get rid of the people who are being exploited by this system, guess what happens then, all the middle-management types will now lose their job titles and status and be forced to work in the lower type jobs. A capitalistic society NEEDS to have more people at the bottom of the barrel being exploited for it to work. In capitalism, it wouldn’t make sense to have everyone rich or middle class, it just doesn’t work that way.
the people that work the hardest, get exploited by this system and get paid the least. And these people are getting tired of not being able to live anymore. They are working 40+ hours a week and can barely afford to pay rent, eat food, and have transportation to and from work. It’s a shame that the right-wing media and super elites are calling the lower classes lazy, and deadbeats when in fact they are the ones who sacrifice so that they CEO of XX company can have his nice bonus, get a 3rd house, all while the worker can’t eat dinner on Monday nights.
I personally work 60 hours a week now and for a lot less than I used to (thanks Federal Reserve, Corporate Banks, Wall St), I have no benefits, and it sucks.
The reason for the decline is due to corporate greed, deregulation of banking and finance industries and the federal reserve doing what they please seeing that they aren’t a gov’t agency and are above and answer to no one. We bail out the rich and bankers. The first major ($100 B+) starting with the Keating 5, and we reward businesses and wall st, whether or not they are successful or failing. Is that capitalism right there? No, it’s not.
okay, im real sorry if you took my whole post and thought it had anything to do with what was going on this thread… but it didnt really… i mean … i didnt read anything i Just posted.
Those are just the thoughts I have on a daily basis… nothign particular to the thread.
HOWEVER you said some REAL WHACK FUCKING SHIT lol in that post of yours. Its all good tho, I’m not hear to argue with anyone.
Just to make it clear tho, working hard and working smart are two different things and if all you’re doing is working hard mad hours a week. I’m sorry. Its capitalism dude… be smarter than trading hours for dollars. BUT don’t blame it “on the system” because you’re working hella hard and are broke as fuck. I’m broke as a sun of a bitch but I understand why and im not regreting anything. Not saying I plan to stay this way but I wouldnt live in any other country if I could.
I love when people bring up rich paying more taxes.
It’s their greed that makes them pay more because they make more and corporations are seeing record profits.
Wanna pay less taxes? Make less money.
Fine keep the rich tax the way it is, make it less for all I care and tax the poor but let then make more money.
No poor person will complain if they are taxed $10k more a year if they are allowed to make $20k more a year.
This is exactly what the rich are bitching about. They are seeing a very good 10+ years that allows them to make record profits but they don’t want to pay more.
Dude, lol. No.
from the Economist " In 2008, the top 1% paid 38% of all federal income taxes, and the top 5% paid 58%."
I don’t want my taxes to increase any more than any other middle class citizen, but we aren’t going to regain our budget from taxing the wealthy. We need less Government and less Government spending.
You making the rich out to be the bad guy is bullshit, you aren’t seeing the bigger picture. It’s not taxation that got us in to this mess, it’s spending
Wow are you human? This is too good to be true, somebody ITT has comon sense. Its a BOT.
They make that money only because they are allowed to make that money and thanks to lobbyists they put themselves into a very healthy position.
90% of people has a boss that tells them how much they make, for corporations the boss is the government. Imagine if you had your own personal lobbyist to go to your boss and negotiate a sweet employment deal. Wouldn’t that be nice.
Of course they are paying more, how is that nor relevant? If you’re using %, which is the standard now for taxing everywhere, it’s simple math. More you make, more you pay. Are you seriously telling me that’s unfair?
All that proves is that they are doing so extremely well that even without raising the tax, at the agreed % level their record earnings are bringing most tax income, while middle class is paid so poorly that the % rate for them brings in shit.
Vlad, 90% of people suck ass and are retarded as hell. No one told them they HAVE to have a boss. Its america they can all work for themselves if they want to.
So good for them, but its gay as fuck if they are gonna bitch about people doing it better.
Yep, and those ‘unions’ are fucking up our country. Send them to communism camps on mars.
The problem with the protesting is that these fucking people have too much time on their hands. Go fucking look for a job instead of collecting unemployment and all of the benefits. If they had a job, the protests wouldn’t be happening.
I don’t even want to hear that there is no jobs available… How many mexican bums do you see in the u.s.?
Exactly, fuck this protesting SHIT. Get the fuck to work you mother fucking ******* !