I-890 ALERT!

yeah no doubt, at least someone is hooking them up. Figured I would toss my shop out there for the cheap advertisement. :slight_smile:

I just hated getting fucked by insurance co’s over things I didnt even do. I got hit a few times over the years and had to claim the repairs. I didnt have nice shops to give up a little of their profits they wouldn’t miss anyways to put the deductible back in my pocket. So now I have the chance to help other people out that would be in my “old” shoes too.

its all good man. GL with it.


were these shiteaters caught?

I saw somebody chuck a shoe off one of the bridges a few weeks ago and it was fairly early in the day.

i got hit by a rock in the windshield doing 70 a long time ago, was pretty loud and scary when your not expecting. A cinder block is just outrageous

Just a matter of time before they mess with the wrong guy and he decides to camp out near that overpass.
BTW, isn’t it supposed to be fenced to prevent suicide jumpers? You’d think it would be difficult to throw stuff over that with any precision.