So I'm driving home from work....

Got out of work at 3:45 today, and I take the 190 south home. Well as im driving along I notice two kids probably about 10-12 years old STANDING ON THE NORTH BOUND SIDE (in traffic!!!) of the 190 throwing fucking rocks across all of the lanes. I slowed down a bit to get a good look at both of them and got on the phone with the state police.The dispatcher tells me he’s going to send a car to check it out. About 5 minutes later I get a call back from one of the Sergeants and they caught the fuckers hopefully before they hit someones car and caused a huge accident. Now i’m just hanging out at home waiting for a call back because the troopers want a written statement of what I saw them doing and want to send a car to my house, haha glad they caught the bastards :tup:

nice work.

Did you use your hands-free? lol.

Actually I did haha

Bluetooth ftw

and nice call, I woulda wanted to hit the fuckers



nice move.

Yeah I figured I would call because most people are ignorant and just ignore these things or just dont pay attention to their surroundings when they drive. And who knows how bad of an accident could of happened after getting a rock at your windsheild at 55+ MPH. Still waiting on the call back from the troopers though.

Werent there a few deaths from this type of shit last year?

:tup: for doing the right thing and getting those little fuckers.


Glad you called.

damn little bastards. We used to throw M80s in the road when I was a kid. Damn I was a little schister back in the day.

lol the more things change the more they stay the same? :stuck_out_tongue: