i fucking hate highschool kids

so i just got done fucking washing my car at fucking 1am cause some highschool pricks think its funny to hide in bushes and throw fucking eggs at cars. fucking HUGE :tdown:. i fucking turned around to try and find these assholes and couldnt fucking find them, wasted 20mins trying to find them as me and scanz89 were ready to fucking throw down at this point. UGHHHHHHHHHHHGHGH!!!


shitty…were you able to get it all off?

wow what the fuck…who does that kind of shit? …seriously

fun cruise tonight tho

where did this happen in WS btw?

i dont know how much i got off cause its dark and my street doesnt have alot of streetlights. im not gonna lie im pretty pissed and was tempted to head back out with a bat and mommys car so they wouldnt recognize the car when i went back looking. but i dont feel like gettin arrested and i have to go to school in 5 hrs. im going to bed.
i never did this shit though, what posseses these suburban kids to do shit like this. fucking no respect

sorry too hear. thats fucking gay.

last time we found kids throwing eggs off a certain bridge…well… HAHAHAHAHAHA

this happened on east and west road between the firehall and firemans park

My truck got egged once. I don’t really care about it since it’s like a winter beater to me, but it was a good excuse to pop a kid in the leg. I knew that .22 would pay for itself in no time.

my girls cobalt ss just got egged 2 nights ago in tonawanda and the egg shells left some real nice scratches in the paint. little pricks will die!

yea deff shitty move on there part too bad ya didn’t catch em

:tdown: This just happened to my buddy in Kenmore…no respect.

call the cops?

i heard sirens about 20 mins after i stopped looking for them and went home, im sure someone else called, but im also sure they were able to run through backyards to get home and most likely didnt get cuaght. :tdown:

Bats don’t work, use paintballs, and loosen up that little nut in the back of the gun. Ya know, the one that makes it shoot faster.

:tdown: yeah paintballs are great. Crank the velocity and let er rip!

Sorry to hear man, i’ll be the first to admit when we were like 14ish we definately threw shit at cars sometimes. At least when we did it was always the assholes cars that used to call the cops on us all the time for being “loud” when we were fishing.

But to just throw shit at random cars is fucked…

my sisters car got bologna’ed

eggs will take the paint down to the metal

they seem harmless but they can do alot of damage to paint

my mothers car got hit with one, couldnt believe that a egg could do that bad of damage

Your story just got me fucking pissed! About 4 yrs ago I was driving on Halloween and heard something hit my car a few times. I figured it was eggs and immediately pulled over and ran behind the burm on the side of the road I was driving on. When I got there all that was left was empty egg cartons on the ground. Man I was so heated…4 eggs hit my car and fucked the paint up. WTF is wrong with people.

idiots like that obviously do it on a regular basis…they get off on it…i say if you’re free at night camp out in that area…or find the nearest corner stores and ask around about teenagers buying eggs…it’s worth the effort considering how much paint those little fucks are going to ruin…

sorry to hear too…