people have no friggin respect

im soo pissed off i come home this morning at7am after working all night to find someone egg’d my S13 i was so pissed off people have no F*#king respect, the last thing i want to do when i come home from midnights is clean and detail my car. well thats what i had to do…i hope i dont find out who did it for there sake… thje paint on my headlights is screwed the egg ate away at the pain over night and you can see where it hit. i don think it will buff out… im so mad guys…
just wanted to air myself out…

Hey man sorry to hear about that. I TOTALLY understand what your saying.

Whether it’s your car being egged, keyed or in my case broken in to, the result is still the same. Your pissed off and ready to beat the living *&^% out of the person(s) who did it. Respect is one thing that is defineately lacking in the world today. Be it person to person or someone’s property there basically is’nt any. True enough respect is earned NOT given but at the same time there should be at least a small level of it. If there was, things like this would happen less but like that will ever happen.

If you get a good polishing compound and buffer, you may be able to fix your paint. Good luck with that.

My thoughts on who did it, some stupid jealous honda owner! :lol:

Take care.

Easy 8)

well you live in chattam so it was probobally some domestic fuck who thinks nothing is better than a domestic.

fags they should die in a fire

i hate kids these days there have been several cars vandalized and trashed in my town (orangeville) i dont drive my car there anymore except to school

Damn, I f*cking hate people who do shit like that. I think if they had a nice car themselves, they would not do something like that. They were just jealous. And yeah, my school is a freaking Honda Nation and one day when I was walking to my car, I noticed that someone had stuck a sticker on my car. A little bit of paint came off when I removed it. :evil:

That’s why my car is in a garage, with two cars right behind it blocking the garage. Nobody is stealing it, egging it, etc…
Someone threw an egg at my celica once thou. I laughed at him and said: Hey man, your egg broke, not my car :stuck_out_tongue: He got pissed and left.

some dirty skids smokers at my school from the skid pit threw a pair of dirty shorts at my car once… but that was because we all threw big gulps and food at them and i ran them off the road with my car. fags

Some fags egged my car 2 winters ago right before I stored it. The eggs froze on the damn car and I had to warm it up to get it off…

My pathy got egged when I was driving but I was too lazy to chase the fuckers.

One of the GTRs at the show got one of it’s badges stolen by some punk school kid. :evil:

Respect = Non-Existant.

I blame society. :lol:

But in all honesty its sad to see how things work these days. Everyone is
so greedy and people lack morals. Some people have no soul.

I blame glow-sticking Ginos like you… and Sasha.

I am not a gino, I am a hardcore thug from the mean streets of SOUTH

…well south-central richmond hill that is

People keep breaking into my car and stealing stereo equipment, its kind
of annoying. Have some respect… backoff, get your own stereo!

if your car is getting fucked up (egged, scratched, etc) its not for no reason.
You pissed someone off.

somewhere between 15-18year old people find that if they fuck up the guys car, it will hurt more than fucking the guy himself up.

Sorry to hear that bro, people like that deserve a real good mercyless beating. A few years ago me and my friend caught 2 kids egging his house the night before halloween. They were too young to get a good beating but we still had to teach them a lesson, so we told them we would take them into my friends basement and beat the shit out of them. So when they started begging and crying for us to let then go we told them we will let them go after they eat the remaining eggs raw. They each had to eat 2 raw eggs with a little bit of the egg shell :lol: for that added crunch! and then we smashed 1 egg on each of their heads and then we let them go.

it sux large,

I remember hearing my alarm go off, ran outside and noticed my baby had also been egged, it was brutal, didn’t see anyone around …(sneeky bastards) I tried to was my car 3 in the morning…but i guess i didn’t do a very good job, yucky in the morning my car smelled sooo gross > :frowning:

How’s this for lack of respect!? …scroll down, the responses to the inital post are priceless!

Outrageous! It’s no different than tipping ANY car over…hope the swine are caught.

Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha… cough composes self Ahahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahhaha!!
Wow… how much of a caker can you be?

well thanks for feeling my pain guys… i took the buffer out with mothers 3 stage and most of it is gone just one spot on my headlight that cant be fixed. no idea who i pissed off if anyone… i ussuly keep to my self im nice to everyone… prolly some ricer honda kid who think hes the shit… could be because there are alot of kids ripping around. they always pull up beside me revving the piss out of there cars and try to race me… i just sit there and laugh as they spin off through a red light lol… and i sit there laughing… anyway at least most of it came off… its to bad that people have that much lack of respect they will mess with a man car… my S13 is my pride and joy and the fact they f*#k with it bugs me. why not just egg me or kick my ass lol. dont hurt my car…

Hey man.

Well Im glad to hear most of it came out ok. I figured a good polish and buffer would do wonders. True it was a pain in the ass having to do this but at least you got most of spot looking good again.

As for the punk ass losers who did this, remember man. “WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND!” Karma does’nt look fondly on stupid things like this so the person or persons, will get theres!

Take care man.

Easy 8)