I almost died today... =(

i dont even get the story. u need to draw a better picture.

glad ur alive.

now ill take the hatch off you =)

its good your alive let alone ok. but that cop is just being a dick because your black and you know it :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t know if you missed it or not but he has a paint diagram on the second page.

Glad you’re okay man, at first I would have thought it would be more 100% of his fault, but after reading that other guy’s post, the police doing 50/50 on it, is reasonable, even though it is TOTALLY unfair. The reason its reasonable is if you were the one in the SUV.
Again glad you’re alright man, and sucks about the car :frowning:

AJ, if you are unfamiliar with the legal system, you should get a lawyer, or at least a paralegal to fight this. I can recommend a good paralegal that should be able to help you out.

Based on your diagram and what you’ve written, you should be 0% at fault, and you should win the trumped up charge. Too bad you can’t charge the cop with stupidity.

Your insurance company will push back with the rules. Push them until they finally see the light. I’ve worked with some very stupid adjusters. Don’t assume they are right.

adjusters can be asshole’s, i bought my s13, 2 month later i rear end a civic in edmonton, lucky for me my uncle is an adjuster, so i get to keep my car, if the cost of the damage isn’t more then he quoted, if it is i have the choice to pay the extra, or take a cheque for my s13…

book value, $1,100 on a 89 240sx hatch.

to bad to see another 240 die, may it bring life to other in it’s death.

good to hear your ok!!

the law is fucked so good luck with that. i got a ticket for doing doughtnuts at 4:30 pm on the oppisite side of town from where i had been at work since 3:45… i had my time card, and my boss, they still gave me a imprudent driving… 80$ for doughtnuts i didn’t get to do!! i was pissed.

well since kenny was to god damn lazy to put pics up i will
here is the wrecked s13, i didnt think it was this bad until i saw it



sweet jesus, the pictures themselves make me surprised you came out relatively unscathed, yur a survivor buddy =D

Lolz thanx rob for posting those for me and yeah I am feeling a little bit lazy, dont mind if I do.

Thanx to all of you who were concerned about my well being, Im fine and Im alive/unharmed lolz magically, people at the scene thought I had died, I have pics of my motor going through my dash o.o!! to lazy to post em. XD ohhhhh oh oh Im also looking for an S-Chasis or something Rwd and cool to beat around get at me.

I have to start all over again xD , Im getting a Coupe this time, im 100% sure that the Zaku II will be alot better than it was before

wow Kenny that shit is crazy, all your hard work put into the car for this to happen, at least your getting a coupe with a straight subframe I hope LOL,

lemme know if you need a hand with n e thing man

damn kenny, my skirts/fenders/bumper and all that hard work lol

I know its a complete shame, my project had finally kicked up into speed, and i was satisfied with it after all that aesthetic work was completed xD, Im just happy to be alive.

so glad to see you walked out of that one

brings back memories to my accident… just that one is alot worse than mine was.

hope to see you cruising in another 240 soon.

lol Zaku II? psh weaksauce, make a Kampher >=D

Lolz Gundam Wings the shit, my friend she named my car =)

weksaus :slight_smile:

Zakus weren’t featured in Gundam Wing :stuck_out_tongue: You’ll find them in Seed, as well as a bunch of older series, they are a classic mobile suit. Suits in Wing were… Leo, Aries, Taures, etc… Then there was the blue and red ones, Vayeate and Mercurius, and finally the baller suit, Epyon.

I’m still trying to get “into” any Gundam series. Oh well, maybe the next time I watch Gundam Seed i won’t fall asleep on the couch.

I want to buy a new s13 or something now… but i think ill wait it out a month or so… i throw up when i get behind a wheel so i think its best i give it a break, work save up loot before building Zaku II

kenny just promise me were never going to have to do a subframe swap with this one :stuck_out_tongue: ,NO KIRBS