I am drug dealer, I pay taxes!

LOL since when are drug dealers not violent?

I am sure some are not, but when it comes to that world it is not all sugar and gummie bears…

That’s a great idea: If you’re a violent offender, you need to purchase a tax stamp $200000 for murder, $50000 for robbery etc. so when you get arrested you get slapped with tax evasion and they take your money as well.

I’m not as delusional as I sound, but really, they’re already going to get cornholed upstate. Do you need to take everything?

Aren’t most of their assets and any cash seized anyway?

you make it sound like it’s justified to sell drugs as long as you’re poor.
the laws are obviously not absurd enough if people are doing it knowing the risks.

how is this any different than paying a fine for speeding?

its just another way to bail out the states spending. and screw the residents.

I sorta like the idea of a HIGHER Sales Tax on everything and NO income tax to level the playing field. spend some of the budget on IRS tax evasion on Sales tax evasion.

running a small business and figuring out the damn quarterly tax payments are a pain in the ass. nothing like doing all the work to just give the money to state & feds.

so you’ve never broken the speed limit then?:eyebrow:

I’m just saying, it seems like they’re REALLY stretching to screw people over that are already going away for a decent amount of time.

State tax dept has some teeth. This will make it a tax crime and allow tax dept to put it to the drug dealers. You should see the car dealers they are auditing. Tax guys are looking to us for help all the time. They love it when a dealer sells you a car for 10,000 and marks you paid 5G on the invoice.

the fines for speeding at not absurd enough to stop me.

I’d rather they take all the money they can for dealing and cut time for snitching on other dealers. but that’s just me.

I guess I’m splitting hairs, my take is more on pot and shrooms. Simpler, less harmful things, that’s where I don’t like it. Heroin, Coke, Crack., Meth…bleed them dry.

(haha, went on to norml.org to check NYS laws, they have a breakdown of arrests by county…sorry guys Erie county is 58/61 We need to step up our game)

There is more violent crime than non violent crime associated with drugs. People do anything to get the next fix and also over territory.

Make them legal and regulate them. We will never see a politician propose that though because that would be career suicide.

if it wasn’t for Dupont

LOL, Thank god for NYC otherwise NYS would be a complete flop

theyre gona catch sum serious idiots

sorta like the did with ppl with warrants on cops
they sent fake invitations to win a boat or sum shit, those criminals walked rite into their trap fucking retards!

I support it

After reading more about this tonight I’m all for it.

1, takes some drug money and uses it for the NYS budget.
2, adds some more charges to drug dealing offenses.

Most importantly it adds another line to the budget so NY has another justification to spend more money.

You want to save money?
Electric chair for drug dealers.
Take money from dealer to pay electric bill.
Save prison costs, enforcement costs, etc, etc.
It is reeeeeeeeeeeeally simple math but, Elliott can’t seem to add or subtract very well.

Absolutely, instead of the federal government getting those assets the state will…

maditory minimums for drug dealers and sex offenders.

but dont tax my blunt

shrooms are classified as a controlled cilicyben substance, possesion of 0.5 grams of cilicyben or more is a felony charge on par with cocaine. (possible life sentence)

thats pretty hypocritical. you want the product, but you are quick to judge the person who brings it to you.

i dont do drugs, but some of you guys are rediculous.

"Because spores contain no psilocybin or psilocin, they are legal to sell and possess (in all states except California, Georgia, and Idaho). But in most states, it is illegal to cultivate or propogate spores into mycelium since mycelium generally contains both psilocybin and psilocin.

Some states in the U.S. and some countries have ruled that growing psilocybe mushrooms does not qualify as ‘manufacturing’ a controlled substance (psilocybin)."

I’m doubting that NYS is one of those that consider growing isn’t illegal, still it was fun back in the day.