I am probably going to hell for this....

I agree with Krause all the way on this. We see the daily impact of this in out Gas prices, insurance prices, price of Lumber. Everyone is trying to make money off this and it’s fucking the rest of us.


:rofl: at people that think NO was destroyed by a hurricane…Hurricane damage wasn’t that bad in NO…the city got crushed b/c the man made levee system failed

So, no this wont happen again if the levees are built properly.

OH and just an FYI…yes, we do

Governor George E. Pataki today announced the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has approved his request to expand federal snow emergency assistance for Erie and Niagara counties to help pay the costs of dealing with the recent severe snowstorms that hit the region.

yeah…thats true too…Levee system was built for a catagory 3 storm…not 5

Still a bad location…still wouldn’t tell anyone to live there.

Anyone? In order for me to understand why we’re rebuilding it, I’d really like to know why it exists in the first place.

Define: Capitalism:

Making money off of everyone else’s needs, regardless of how dire. :eekdance:

Google a bit.


New Orleans was founded in 1718 by the French Mississippi Company as la Nouvelle-Orléans, under the direction of Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne de Bienville. The site was selected because of its relatively high elevation along the flood-prone banks of the Lower Mississippi River and its

at the same time there are other parts of the world below sea level that when shit strikes they deal with it with out all this crap. Oh well in the end it turns to be more money for me


In the early 20th century, New Orleans was a progressive major city whose most portentous development was a drainage plan devised by engineer and inventor A. Baldwin Wood. Urban development theretofore was largely limited to higher ground along natural river levees and bayous. Wood’s pump system allowed the city to expand into low-lying areas. Over the 20th century, rapid subsidence (, both natural and human-induced, left these newly-populated areas several feet below sea level.

Subsidence: In geology, engineering, and surveying, subsidence is the motion of a surface (usually, the Earth’s surface) as it shifts downward relative to a datum such as sea-level.

So they pumped out a swamp at sea level next to a lake, built a city, and it then sunk below sea level. Well ain’t that a bitch…


I disagree…I think it is good to see what others think about this issue. I couldn’t believe the people that lived in New Orleans stealing from everyone when their town was being flooded etc. It is pretty stupid to build a city below sea level and also how can the mayor get away with saying “chocolate city”? like others have said before in this thread…if anyone referred to the majority of white people living in one area a “vanilla city” all hell would break loose from anyone other than white, saying that person/people are racist when infact I think alot of the african american people are racist against white people but those comments and jokes always seem to fly :gotme:

The ports in the NO area are critical to our economy.
I can’t think of anything else down there that can’t be moved to a new location.

Why don’t they just bull doze everything accordingly to improve the ports and their access.
Nothing else needs to be there except a highway to reach the new and improved ports.

Rebuilding a city below sea level in hurricane alley is nothing short of comical.

My only other idea is to build a federal prison there and pray for a hurricane.:smiley:

Again, It’s not just that it’s below sea level, but that is surrounded by the ocean, huge lake and river that also flood regularly.

^ and the fact that it’s “naturally” sinking?

yeah…pretty much everything else I said before too :lol:

that’s what I get for not reading thread… I need to go home.

go home, you’re fired :gtfo:
