I am probably going to hell for this....

You listen to too much BS Liberal propeganda thats why. Any excuse to make Bush seem worse is their no.1 priority.

^ok, your opinion is noted

^Yeah, I think the whole thing was just a big fuck up regardless of race. If anything, the city is somewhat beloved because it has a lot of character. 'Nawlins and Mardi Gras has the reputation of being a kickass party town to those like myself who were ignorant to anything else before the storm hit. It is a part of Americana, not a hated black ghetto.

But anyhow, how was New Orleans built in the first place? I mean, it’s in the freaking water. If it weren’t for man-made structures it would be part ocean floor, right? They didn’t built the levies, pump it out, and then build NO originally did they?

Tom I think you’re missing the point that the city is BELOW SEA LEVEL…

Natural disasters are a part of life and so is common sense.

" So Bush said that god spoke to him and told him to invade Iraq. I think Bush needs to stop mixing the new testament and the old milwaukee "

  • bill maher


Most of Florida is below sea level. And has been hit a lot more than New Orleans.

Fuck the race card and fuck the mayor, don’t let one bigot cloud the issue, tens of thousands of AMERICANS lives were ruined by Katrina.

What options are presented to the people of New Orleans, tell me where they can live? Buffalo? Chicago? LA? These people don’t want to move, they want to go home. Where they grew up, where their parents grew up. We sit here so far away and criticize how they have delt with the situation, a situation that we could not even comprehend dealing with.
Yes we have blizzards, but as was said befor a blizzard shuts down a city, it does not destroy it.

A true test of a countries society, whether it is good or bad, comes from how that society, that nation, handles a crisis. Does the society fracture under the pressure or does it bond together. The US has shown time and time again that while we are all different we share one distinguished characteristic our ability to forget the differences and work for a common good.

So I say again, do not let the bigotry of one man or the ignorances of a few cloud the real issue our countrymen need help.

:word: As my comments in this thread suggest, I WISH we could just say screw it. But we can’t. We won’t. We will rebuild NO. Hopefully stronger than before. As much of a bad idea as it is, the decision for New Orleans to exist has already been made.

Oh yeah, and you definitely can’t compare Buffalo’s natural disasters to things like hurricanes. Our natural disasters fall gently and beautifully to the ground while we cuddle inside with hot chocolate and dream about how to spend our day off, then pull the blanket a little tighter when a strong wind gust pushes against our houses. vs Buidlings being knocked down and storm surge ripping people out of trees to their doom.

Politics and economics be damned. I love buffalo.

its not just that Tom…

“We actually live in a bowl. We live underwater,” said Frank Hijuelos, director of New Orleans Office of Emergency Preparedness

The city lies, on average, 6 feet below sea level. It’s bordered by the Mississippi River and Lake Pontchartrain on two sides. Those bodies of water ultimately feed into the Gulf of Mexico, which lies less than 100 miles from New Orleans. Besides being surrounded by water, the city is also marbled with canals and bayous that are essential to the city’s daily functions.

Lake Pontchartrain forms New Orleans’ northern boundary. The lake spans 630 square miles, but it’s only 25 feet deep. Many experts say the lake is the city’s greatest threat during a hurricane because of its relatively shallow depth.

so when this happens again right after a rebuild or during a rebuild of the city what then will you say? If you’re really concerned about helping these people out, or worried about the helping your fellow Americans, you would not only look out for the safety of the people living there, but the rest of us who have the burden of paying for their poor choice. I know it’s an “I want it and i’m going to get it” society, but someone has to be the “parent” and say WTF are you doing…no!

Oh and I forgot to add that the city is sinking…that also might be worth noting

going to bed :nite: <—gee what does that remind you of?:wink:

Also, sea levels are rising. So even if another big hurricane doesn’t hit soon it will be a constant struggle to keep the water out of that shithole (yes, I’ve been there and it’s was/is a shithole). Did you ever see an economic analysis of the public funding going into rebuilding NO? You could give everybody made homeless >1 megabuck with that amount of $$$. They could all go live in Beverly Hills or Greenwich, Connecticut or wherever for that kind of dough. And that’s just the public money being spent. As far as comparing snow in Bufffalo to floods in NO, I bet WNY has had to spend at least as much money over the years as the cost to rebuild NO to deal with winter weather. Did the Chocolate City of NO bail us out?

As I posted earlier, the sad thing is that I think most people feel the way I do but the policiticans are deathly afraid of being accused of “not caring”. Unfortunately, whenever a politician “cares”, we had better grab on to our wallets because they aere going to demonstrate this by taking our money and giving it to the latest group that they have designated as being worthy of being “cared” for. If people care so much about NO maybe they should spend THEIR OWN money on rebuilding it? Since I DON’T CARE to rebuild a crappy city in a dangerous location LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE. Or, at least stop yapping about it.

WRONG, and the fact that you’re wrong makes everything else you said a waste of breath.


Slightly above sea level is a whole lot different than below sea level. Below sea level is why we should take any of the money meant for rebuilding and use it instead for relocating.

Your comparing the gradual spending of money spent on snow removal to the amount of money spent on Katrina? I’m sorry that is just retarded.

Who the fuck is going after you? You seem to be taking this so personally. Yeah your tax dollars are being spent on rebuilding a NO, who gives a fuck? Its not like they are taking somthing away from you.

You know what, thanks for starting another useless polarizing thread on this board, its exactly what we needed. :tdown:

There are many parts of Florida below sea level. But since it’s average is a FEW feet above I will retract that one statement, but in know way makes the rest of my comment any less valid.

They still get hit more by Hurricanes than NO.

Tom, did you miss my entire last post? :wink:

heres a picture to illustrate the issue

water aside…new orleans is one of the lowest points on that picture.

The lake is shallow and floods because its only 25 feet deep at max
the mississippi river is know to overflow

the ocean is right there, so New Orleans is the lowest point of land surrounded by nothing but water that wants to overtake it and on top of that it is a sinking piece of land.

come on man.

nobody is saying that they don’t care at all about the people, but that they dont support the idea of wasting money on putting a bandaid on the real issue, which is only going to get worse over time. Again, someone has to step up and say, NO…this is a horrible Idea and since i’m the one helping you out, I’m going to actually do that, not put you back into the same situation.

All I know is I am bummed on how slow this hurricane season has been…

I was hoping for some good old death and destruction to spruce up my life.

Things to keep in mind: The Government HAS NO MONEY. It’s all OUR money. Governments do not create wealth, they just redistribute it. Therefore, governement spending is a “zero sum game”. Every cent they spend is a cent that is taken out of someone else’s pocket. It is a foolish waste of money to spend billions to rebuild New Orleans. There are other cities that maybe it wouldn’t be so illogical. It’s that NO is still at great risk and that it simply doesn’t HAVE to be there or exist at all. If NYC were destroyed, it would be more logical to think about using public funds to rebuild - NYC is a hub of business and other activity that generates a huge amount of wealth. Of course, because of that it would likely be rebuilt anyway with private funds because it would be worth doing. But if the activity in NYC could be more cheaply and easily moved elsewhere, then so be it. Ditto for any other city.

Eh… to play devils advocate… NO is fairly important as it is a very important port city that sits at the mouth of what is possibly the busiest inland waterway in the entire world…

Did you read anything from that link I posted?

There is no land below sea level in Florida. It’s lowest point is at sea level, where it meets the gulf.

It’s AVERAGE is 100 feet above sea level, quite a bit more than a “FEW” as you say.

Yes, it will get hit with more hurricanes, but the flooding will be confined to the areas right on the coast, of which most will be covered by private insurance. I have friends down there, they pay a HUGE premium for that insurance, so that’s not costing tax payers anything. Inland the water runs into all the ponds/canals they have built for just that purpose.

If you want to make an area in Florida comparable to NO, you have to take Lake Okeechobee, pump it dry, build some levees, and put a city in the middle of it. Then you’d have a city below sea level just waiting for a hurricane to completely destroy it. I’m sure if you offered to spend tax payer money to do it there would be people that would want to live there too. And once they were there for several years getting lucky with storms just missing them, they’re want to go back after it got destroyed.

Face it, you’re fighting a battle against logic here. There is no logical reason to rebuilt NO, only political.

I just find it funny after how loud the global warming fanatics were yelling and screaming about how it was global warming’s fault last year, and that this year would be as bad or worse, that they have been strangely quiet lately. :roll:

at the same rate that our tax money is being spent to repair a city that most of us dont want…they are spending even more of our tax money on a war that a lot of us dont want…THAT is more aggrevating than N.O.

Can’t solve all the worlds problems in one thread.

AKA, go start your anti-war thread somewhere else.

^ :word: to this guy. f this war already