I bit the bullet....BIG TIME


nowhere on that chart did it show a gt comparison to a GTX or ultra. It showed to a gts and an ati card, but not a gtx or ultra. The 8800gt is better than the old gts cards sure, but the new g92 gts has a slight edge over it as well. Maybe only 2-3 fps in game. Show some benchmarks that have an 8800gt “blow away” an 8800gtx or ultra at high resolution high AA settings. You wont.

Also, theres no point in overclocking your ram. You need to get the FSB of your cpu up to speed first. 1066/4 = 266.5/400. Meaning theres still room for your fsb to be overclock before you even consider overclocking ram. OCing the ram is just a huge waste, unless your fsb is 1600 or higher.

Dont get me wrong. Im not bashing your pc. Its pretty sweet. The 8800gt is by far the best bang for the buck out there now. The q6600 is damn future proof too (at least in pc terms. Probably good for a 1-2 years in the way of high end gaming). Just get yourself a nice zalman copper hs, some mx2 and get that bitch up to 3.0 or better!