I looked at that last night too, it was pretty neat but i like the sideways flip and full keyboard phones for how much I text.
i went from a 740 to a 470
i still txt like 4000 a month
you adapt to whatever you have.
I can txt faster on my flip then my phone with a full keyboard.
i could text sooo much faster on my blackberry than my 8300, then again on my 8300 i would always turn on fucking speaker whenever i tried to hit the 2 button or the clear key
always fun to answer your phone in the middle of the night on speaker lol.
I went to verizon, didnt even have to bitch them out. They ordered me a new phone at no cost to me. And no I did not have ANY insurance on my phone.
holy shit, they charged me $50 at the store last time I broke a phone with insurance
Well if it’s not the voyager, the enV it is.
Thanks for the info.
This is the 2nd time thats happened to me. I dropped my last phone in a giant puddle of water, took it there and got a free phone. Only this time I have to wait a few days for the phone, but still +1 for verizon.
I keep hearing from people about how much better they’ve been getting. I’m going to the VZW store tomorrow to see if they can hold a voyager for me. I mean at this point, If I don’t like it I’m positive I could sell it for decent coin or trade it for something like an enV.
We’ll see how it goes
go to the store and just order it. itll take like 2 business days to get. then u have 30 days to see if u like it, if u dont, you exchange it for w/e you want/ just make sure u get a premium plan of at least the vcast vpak with it.
Thanks for the good info, Do you know an estimate off the top of your head how much those plans are a month?
79.99 for 450 minutes and unlimted everything else with the vpak, vznav, mobile email
or 15 ontop of a select plan for the vpak
just get a premium plan, vznav fucking rules
That plan sounds badass. can you add vznav on? that would be sickkkk.
thanks a ton!
u can add vznav to and plane but its like 10 a month, so then ur at 25 and going from the select to premium is only 20 so yeah, just get the premium plan
I’m still on my parents plan Idk if i can switch off yet… til the i might as well get the nav…
vz nav sucks