I don't think it's going to work out


And this is why I’m not friends with my boss or coworkers. :slight_smile:

Myspace/Facebook is a disease, and you dont need it. More problems stem from it than good. She got what she deserved.

“But I use it to keep in contact with old friends…”

STFU and collect a phone number/email address you wanker.

I use it for the same reason I’m on Shift, good boredom control.

I heard this on the free beer and hot wings show yesterday. Bitch got what she deserved.

It really is good to keep in contact with people via facebook. That’s really the only thing I use it for. That and sharing pictures with friends/family.

haha, That shit will always come back to bite you in the ass.

    1. It also helps me keep in contact with some of my extended family.

helps me make fun of fags like sean and sully.


awesome find Wayne

This is why women belong in the kitchen and the kitchen only.

That is hillarious! Dumb bitch!

hahahaha same here!!!

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