I feel absolutely awful



zicam doesn’t work for me.

i’m getting over my cold right now… had it since last thurs and feel alot better now.

drink alot of water, use afrim and mucinex once in the morning and once before you go to sleep.

And now for the remix. If you laugh, you’re going to hell.

no shot. ever for me. ill die fighting thanks.

i lol’d


Big +1 for mucinex as well.

That D will fuck you up.

Whats the deal with flu shots all of a sudden? I dont ever remember people getting them at all before the swine flu. Have any healthy adults actually died from it? Or is it just children and old people?

I say fuck the flu shot. Virus’s mutate constantly and will change, so the flu shot is not AS effective as many would like to think. Not to mention, that the people making them, are human, and humans make errors from time to time. Ill deal with a cold if I get it for a week, no biggie.

Word, I hate getting sick. Don’t really think any shots are necessary either.
I hate to miss work/school too, so I usually will either stay hydrated and deal with it throughout the day(hate taking any sort of medication other than Ibuprofin/Motrin) or if I really feel like a bag of shit I’ll take a day off to rest up or whatever and then get back to the daily grind the next day.

That video convinces me all females should get the flu shot.

A.)They’d stay in shape
B.)You dont have to hear them talk

Works for me.

I’ve gotten my flu shot for the past 3 years and I’ve been fine. The flu shot is a 100% dead vaccine so you CANNOT get sick from it. it is medically impossible. Now the swine flu vaccine is a live vaccine that Im sorry, but there is NO WAY they have been able to test it sufficiently to know exactly what dosage will cause problems in some people. Therefore there is no way in hell they are coming near me with that shit. And this is coming from my wife who is an RN and my mother in law who is a Physician Assistant… they both know their shit.


I got my flushot 4 weeks ago… been sick for almost last 3 weeks//// felt good for like 4 days oujt of last 3 weeks. Fuk dat h1n1 shot.

As far as the flu shot being 100% dead, thats fine… but maybe my body didnt know that. Maybe it recognized some bullshit in my system and decided to fight it. Feeling sick is often just your immune system trying to fight something. I dont know jack, but I know damn well how under reported and ignored it is how many people have a bad reaction to the flu shot.
Rant over…
THat said, I am a realist… the flu shot is most lkely perfectly safe for almost all the people , all the time.

the flu shot is nothing more than a bunch of hoopla to keep the general public thinking they are safe from the new flu that hasnt even hit yet.

bunch of hoopla :rofl

:rofl:rofl i cant stop lolling

I never understood this:

“Hey, I feel perfectly fine… lets inject last years flu into me just incase I might get sick”…

i saw this video last year on the flu shot. it was a doctor telling us why the shot is bullshit. the things that are in that shot are crazy! holy toxins!