I feel like cooking but I can't even make a microwave dinner...

I don’t feel like eating out tonight so I figure I’ll give cooking a try. What should I make? Lets go for something more interesting than spaghetti.

Mac & Cheese, and I mean homemade style, not Kraft

How about a chicken or steak dish? Suggestions?

Do you have a george forman?

how bout lemon pepper chicken (boneless), its really easy and really cheap to make, mashed potatoes and some kinda veggie and ur set

according to TV, you can make a meal in 543 nanoseconds with the magic bullet.

something about the ronco rotisserie… set it and forget it?

but honestly, get a pizza dough from wegmans and make your own. so good.

I found a Red Wine Steak on google… http://base.google.com/base/a/EABarton/1529713/D10777516801601707401

Not sure how it would come out though… I don’t know what these two are either

Montreal steak seasoning
Italian seasoning

I’d also need something else to go with it.

Wegmans Santa Fe chicken:


Easy as hell, tastes amazing. I like doing plain white rice as a side and then dump some of the santa fe marinade on it to give it a nice kick.


according to TV, you can make a meal in 543 nanoseconds with the magic bullet.

something about the ronco rotisserie… set it and forget it?

but honestly, get a pizza dough from wegmans and make your own. so good.


Nikuk will tell you that I can make a mean pizza :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Wegmans Santa Fe chicken:


Easy as hell, tastes amazing.


humm… that actually sounds good!


humm… that actually sounds good!


It’s really good. I wasn’t sure about cooking the corn with everything, but it absorbs some of the santa fe and pepper flavor and comes out great.

we have a winner… I’ll report back tomorrow. I’m gonna give this a try.

ps: I can’t cook for shit but I can make some killer Pernil :slight_smile:

It really isn’t that hard. I’ve got some great recipes from our old neighbors. They have 3 kids so all their recipes are pretty hands off. It’s hard to cook anything real complicated when you need your hands free to strangle a little kid every 5 minutes :wink:

werd… that’s the kind of cookin I need… hands off :slight_smile:

I’m going to take pics and document this attempt :lol:

ramen noodles.


ramen noodles.


I already finished every package ever produced while I was in college.

just get a cut of meat you like, cook it up

pick up a can of vegetables you’re down with

simple carbs FTL. fuck yo mashed potatoes & ghetto mac


just get a cut of meat you like, cook it up

pick up a can of vegetables you’re down with

simple carbs FTL. fuck yo mashed potatoes & ghetto mac


:cry: i like mashed potatoes…

no you don’t

k, I didn’t make the chicken. I forgot the recipe here at work so I stopped by the store and picked up stead and pasta(along with red pepper and asparagus). This was not a cheap meal! Steak alone was 28 bux and the pasta stuff was about another 5.

With the steak, I just used butter and grilled it, it started it’s own fire under the grill from the butter dripping so I had to move the steakes often. More butter the better. I cooked the pasta then ran it under cold water. I steamed the asparagus with butter and garlic powder in the water and cut up the sweet red peppers. Next, I threw the pasta, peppers and asparagus in a big ziplock bag and put sundried salad dressing on top and shook it up. Pasta salad was pretty good and I should have gotten less expensive steak lol.