I feel like I need an HR degree...

So it’s time for our annual reviews at work, and my boss sends me the document and says he wants me to complete it and return it to him by tomorrow COB.

Now right in the instructions of this document, it says I have 1 week to return it to my supervisor.

This leaves me with the option of rushing through it (my one annual chance to be my own advocate in writing) this, ignoring some other duties (which could burn my ass), or pointing out his error so I can have adequate time (obvious problems there).

It seems that none of the options are good. Anyone else experience similar workplace BS? This whole working for the man thing is a real pain sometimes.

instead of wasting time on the interweb, get to work on the review :slap:

Haha, yeah it’s done now. The whole situation just pisses me off, it’s not unique to this week or review, it happens constantly.

I’m routinely given the choices:
A. screw myself over
B. rat out someone else

Well there’s always:
C. find a new job

Which is looking better and better all the time.

option “c” is always good. I don’t care what anyone says, the grass IS greener on the other side. :smiley:

stop working for the man, man.

options ‘C’ = It’s always greener on the otherside.

Unless the CEO of the company you work for is your father :slight_smile:

Well if ti was truely important to you then just take it home and do it that night. I just had mine, very similar format.

Happens all the time in our department but no one complains. We never say no either. It’s just about time management and maybe staying a little later.

I do plenty of crap for work at home already. I just wish the accountability was applied evenly across the board, instead of being a tool management used on their subordinates with no upward accountability.

Oh…and he said he wanted it by COB (close of business). Being that I rcv’d that email around 11AM, and he wanted it the next day by COB, it’s very likely that I had plans for that evening already. As you can see, it’s completely acceptable for mgmt to expect me to rearrange my schedule, yet the opposite is considered absurd.

Really I don’t care about the minute details. It just chaps my ass when he sends me something, wants it back in 30 hours, and right in the paperwork it says I have a week.

Hello, and welcome to the wonderful world of being a corporate whore. Thank god I will never have to deal with that shit.

My manager pulls this BS all the time. He has had us do work that has already been done in another place in our division. He wants us to set the bar for the entire company, when what we work with isn’t used by the entire company (and those that do use our software already have a bar set). He’s given us goals to accomplish, then before our review he tells up those goals do not line up with the company goals and cannot be used. Umm…excuse me, but weren’t you the one that created those goals from the start?! And finally, he’s the type of person to avoid answering a direct question at all costs (ask him what he thinks about how I’m doing and his reply is, “you tell me how you think you’re doing”)

I am in a good position right now that pays me decently for the work that I do. The benefits I get from working here still make up for the crappy manager that I have.


Sounds like you have a case of homoassholous-idiobossissism on your hands.

Tell him to fuckin fill out your review himself. It’s his job to evaluate you then meet to talk about it??

If he’s a real dick then ask his supervisor what the policy is, for real. This is your job and livelyhood, not a blow off session because your boss is being a lazy shit.

haha. wow. i think we must work at the same place because it sounds like your describing my boss.

is this document something that any of his supervisors will see? if so, it sounds like the perfect opportunity to prove your point. Bang it out, send it in, and be sure to draw attention to abbreviated time table. i would mention that this type of thing happens on a regular basis, yet you continually meet the deadline… sounds like time for a raise.

I’m with Smort on this. Do it high quality but on his time table then reverse it into grounds for a raise/promotion.

sounds like something as benign as fillign out a form is sending you into a downward spiral of failure… better stick with the job you have, capitalism will always weed out the weak.

Might be due back to HR in a week, but I’m sure the boss wants to check it over before they get it.

Well this is what it says.

Complete your portion of the Employee Performance Review form as instructed below and return it to your supervisor within one week of the date you receive it.

I did it way faster, so it doesn’t really matter at this point.

I’m just sick of the politically correct, HR stupidity that goes on in the workplace today. It’s a pain in the ass enough that it exists, but to have it applied to me, but not my superiors is that much more retarded.

I fill out so many spreadsheets, forms, business plans, action plans, growth plans and other BS, that it makes me want to vomit. It’s like we do as much or more than people did in the past, plus all these stupid reports that nobody had to do 20 years ago.

Perhaps I should quit and go work at Jiffy lube for a while.

It would certainly make you more pragmatic.

Here’s an exact quote I said about 8 years ago about my job, which was a giant pain in the ass until I made changes to suit automation, ease of use and robustness…

…perspective is everything.